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Relevant bibliographies by topics / Embryo tranfer / Dissertations / Theses
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Author: Grafiati
Published: 7 September 2021
Last updated: 14 February 2022
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Almeida, Sara. "Clínica, cirurgia e reprodução de equinos." Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/13566.
Full textAbstract:
Este relatório contém a casuística das diferentes componentes do estágio fundamental realizado. São descritas as instalações dos locais de estágio e são desenvolvidos alguns temas abordados nos estágios: vacinação contra o tétano e contra a influenza equina, complicações mais comuns no pós-cirúrgico de cólicas, arterite séptica em cavalos adultos e em poldros, requisitos legais para um centro de recolha de sémen e para os garanhões doadores, vulvoplastia, colheita, avaliação e processamento de sémen. Assim como uma breve revisão da fisiologia reprodutiva da égua e do seu maneio reprodutivo. Contém ainda uma revisão mais aprofundada sobre transferência embrionária em equinos e um caso clinico acompanhado durante o estágio; ABSTRACT:Equine clinic, surgery and breedingThis report contains a resume of the different components from the final externship. There are described the externship facilities and there are developed some of the discussed topics on it, such as: vaccination against tetanus and equine influenza, most common postoperative complications of colic surgery, septic arthritis in adult horses and foals, legal requirements to semen collection center and for the stallions donors, Caslick, collection, evaluation and semen processing. A brief review of the mare reproductive management. It also contains a most thorough review about embryo transfer and a clinical case followed during the externship.
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Naveed, Fatima. "Role of embryo quality in a randomised comparison of laser assisted hatching on the implantation rate of frozen thawed embryo transfer cycles." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2004. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record/B31972044.
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Silva, Paula Cardoso de Almeida. "Produ??o in vivo e identifica??o do sexo de embri?es h?bridos Equus caballus X Equus asinus." Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, 2015. https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/1299.
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Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-17T16:03:22ZNo. of bitstreams: 12015 - Paula Cardoso de Almeida Silva.pdf: 2121155 bytes, checksum: b827c0e7a20bdec7ae36fca85e2c8455 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-17T16:03:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 12015 - Paula Cardoso de Almeida Silva.pdf: 2121155 bytes, checksum: b827c0e7a20bdec7ae36fca85e2c8455 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-06
Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES
Embryo transfer and other biotechnologies are intensivelyused for equine reproduction and other species as well. Even though there is an expansion of the mule market and an increase in the number of animals, researches working with reproduction of these animals are still scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate aspects of embryo transfer, embryo morphology and gender identification of hybrid (horses x donkeys) embryos, checking either their similarity or divergence with the characteristics already known of equine embryos. Attempts of embryo collection on Day 6 -9 after OV were performed in mares previously bred with a P?ga donkey. The embryo recovery rates, the characteristics related to age, morphology and embryonic diameter were evaluated. After these assessments, a group of embryos was cut using an adapted technique, where, the cutting process was carried out with the aid of an ophthalmic scalpel blade. The resulting biggest cut portion was used for embryo transfer, and the smallest parts and the others whole embryos to determination of the embryo gender. Data were analyzed using Fisher's exact test, with 5% significance, except the daily growth of embryos, which was analyzed by linear regression. The overall embryo recovery rate was 55,9% (71/127), and for each group D6, D7, D8 and D9, was 57,1% (28/49), 51% (25/49), 63% (15/24) 60% (3/5), respectively. The developmental stage of the collected embryos were, morula: 18.3% (13/71); early blastocysts: 26,8% (19/71); blastocyst: 29,6% (21/71); and expanded blastocysts: 25,3% (18/71). The measured diameter revealed that the size of the embryos ranged from 147 to 1688?m, the mean diameter of all collected embryos was 438,04?m, and according to different groups, the average size (smallest and largest diameter) of embryos were D6 (n = 29) - 183,4?m (147 - 253?m), D7 (n = 24) - 463,2?m (168 - 886?m), D8 (n = 15) - 727,2?m (422 - 1224?m ) and D9 (n = 3) - 1350,6?m (844 - 1688?m), and daily growth rate was 312,7?m. After the section, the 23 embryos were transfered, only one recipient mare was diagnosed as pregnant at 15 days after ovulation, however after 30 days the embryo was lost. The efficiency of the sex identification by PCR using the primers SRY and ZFX / ZFY was 85,9% (61/71), being 55,7% (34/61) determined as female: and 39,3% (27/61) as male. Embryo transfer has shown to be favorable to aid mule reproduction, whereas the recovery rate and the characteristics of the embryos are similar to equine embryos. Altough, the methodology used to section of embryos had unable the gestational development, the most part of the biopsy derived cutting allowed sexing of the embryos
A transfer?ncia de embri?es e outras biotecnologias reprodutivas s?o cada vez mais utilizadas para a produ??o de equinos e de outros animais, entretanto, mesmo com a expans?o do mercado de muares e com crescimento do n?mero de animais, as pesquisas relacionadas com a produ??o desses animais ainda s?o raras. O presente estudo avaliou as caracter?sticas relacionadas ? transfer?ncia de embri?es, a morfologia e a identifica??o do sexo de embri?es h?bridos (muares), verificando sua semelhan?a ou diverg?ncia com as caracter?sticas j? conhecidas em equinos. Foram realizadas colheitas de embri?es provenientes do cruzamento de ?guas com um jumento P?ga, nos dias 6, 7, 8 e 9 ap?s a ovula??o, a taxa de recupera??o embrion?ria, e as caracter?sticas relacionadas com a idade, morfologia e di?metro embrion?rio foram avaliadas para os diferentes dias. Ap?s essas avalia??es, uma parte dos embri?es coletados foi seccionada, com uma t?cnica adaptada onde o corte foi realizado com o aux?lio de uma l?mina de bisturi oftalmol?gico. A maior por??o resultante do corte foi destinada para transfer?ncia de embri?es e a menor parte, juntamente com os embri?es inteiros, foram utilizados para verificar a efici?ncia dos primers SRY e ZFX/ZFY, na an?lise molecular para a determina??o do sexo dos embri?es. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste Exato de Fisher, com 5% de signific?ncia, exceto o crescimento di?rio dos embri?es que foi analisado atrav?s da regress?o linear. A taxa de recupera??o embrion?ria total foi de 55,9% (71/127), e para os diferentes dias de colheita D6, D7, D8 e D9, foi 57,1% (28/49), 51% (25/49), 63% (15/24), 60% (3/5), respectivamente. Os embri?es coletados apresentavam-se nos seguintes est?gios de desenvolvimento, m?rulas: 18,3% (13/71); blastocistos iniciais: 26,8% (19/71); blastocistos: 29,6% (21/71); e blastocistos expandidos: 25,3% (18/71). O di?metro mensurado revelou que o tamanho dos embri?es variou entre 147 - 1688?m, a m?dia do di?metro de todos os embri?es recolhidos foi de 438,04?m, e de acordo com os diferentes dias de colheita, o tamanho m?dio (maior e menor di?metro) dos embri?es foi de: D6 (n = 29) ? 183,4?m (147 - 253?m), D7 (n = 24) ? 463,2?m (168 - 886?m), D8 (n = 15) ? 727,2?m (422 - 1224?m) e D9 (n = 3) ? 1350,6?m (844 ? 1688?m), e a taxa de crescimento di?ria foi de 312,7?m. Ap?s a sec??o e transfer?ncia de 23 embri?es, apenas uma receptora foi diagnosticada como gestante aos 15 dias, mas aos 30 dias, o embri?o tinha sido absorvido. A identifica??o do sexo atrav?s da t?cnica de PCR, utilizando os primers SRY e ZFx/ZFy foi de 85,9% (61/71), sendo determinado f?meas: 55,7% (34/61) e machos: 39,3% (27/61). A transfer?ncia de embri?es ? favor?vel para auxiliar na produ??o de muares, a taxa de recupera??o e as caracter?sticas dos embri?es s?o semelhantes aos embri?es equinos. A metodologia de sec??o dos embri?es, inviabilizou o desenvolvimento gestacional, entretanto a biopsia oriunda do corte permitiu a sexagem da maioria dos embri?es coletados.
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Bruckner, Michael. "Biofluid Mechanics Of Embryo Transfer." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LYO10159.
Full textAbstract:
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude du comportement hydrodynamique d'un embryon lors de la procédure de transfert suivant la fécondation in-vitro. Un couple sur six fait l'expérience de problèmes d'infertilité. Aujourd'hui 5 millions de nourrissons sont nés depuis la première fécondation in-vitro en 1978. En 2009, 1.5 millions de cycles de Procréation Médicalement Assistée étaient débutés, donnant ainsi naissance à350 000 nourrissons de par le monde. Le nombre de cycle est en constante augmentation de 5 à 10 % par an et le nombre de cycle de PMA pourrait être proche de 4 millions à l'horizon 2020. Bien que l'étape de fertilisation soit maintenant bien maitrisée avec 80% de réussite, l'étape finale du transfert d'embryon dans la cavité intra-utérine reste une étape critique puisque seulement 25% des cycles mènent à une grossesse viable. Bien que chaque cycle soit couteux, aucun protocole spécifique, optimisé, et indépendant de l'opérateur n'a encore été mis au point. Dans cette thèse, nous nous proposons de démontrer dans un premier temps l'intérêt et la faisabilité d'une approche de bio ingénierie. En effet, bien que l'issue de transfert dépende de nombreux facteurs chimiques et physiologiques, cette étape cruciale peut aussi être étudiée d'un point de vue mécanique des fluides. Cette étape peut être décomposée en plusieurs sous-étapes : l'introduction du cathéter dans la cavité intra utérine, l'injection du fluide medium contenant un ou plusieurs embryons, et le retrait du cathéter. On peut dégager plusieurs paramètres d'importance comme la viscosité des fluides, la vitesse d'injection, la vitesse de retrait du cathéter, le schéma de chargement du cathéter, et les géométries de la cavité et du cathéter. Dans une deuxième partie, nous nous intéressons à la structure des écoulements de fluides intra-uterins au moment de l'injection. L'influence des paramètres constitutifs d'importance est étudiée grâce à un code de calcul résolvant les équations de Navier-Stokes dans une géométrie tri-dimensionnelle idéalisée. Une étude des trajectographies potentielles des embryons est également réalisée et mis en relation directe avec les zones d'implantation optimales et à risques. A l'issue de ces calculs, nous sommes en mesure de proposer des recommandations à l'usage des cliniciens pratiquant le transfert d'embryon. La dernière partie de la thèse est une ouverture vers les méthodes numériquesnécessaires à l'appréhension des phénomènes d'interaction fluide/structure à l'échelle de l'embryon. L'embryon est en effet soumis à des contraintes potentiellement destructrices au moment du transfert qu'il ne nous est pas possible de définir précisément _à l'_échelle de l'utérus. Dans l'optique du développement d'un modèle mécanique d'un blastocyste pour déterminer les paramètres procéduraux minimisant les contraintes, nous présentons l'implémentation de deux méthodes numériques de type Eulerienne-Eulerienne. La première est une méthode level-set dans un code en volumes finis et bénéficiant de raffinement de maillage automatique. La seconde concerne une méthode phase-field basée sur un formalisme éléments finis de type Galerkin discontinu
This thesis focuses on the study of the hydrodynamic behavior of an embryo during the transfer process following the in vitro fertilization. Worldwide, one in six couples experiences infertility problems. Today, 5 millions babies are born from an in-vitro fertilization since the first one in 1978. In 2009, 1.5 millions Assisted Reproductive Technology cycles have been started, resulting in 350 000 births. The total number of cycles per year is constantly increasing (from 5 to 10 %), and the number of ART cycles is believed to reach 4 millions per year in 2020. Although the fertilization step is now fairly mastered with a 80% success rate, the final stage consisting in the embryo transfer into the uterine cavity remains a critical step, since only 25% of the cycles lead to a live birth. Even though every cycle is expensive, no specific, optimized and operator-independent protocol has been developed yet. In this thesis, we first demonstrate the interest and the feasibility of a bio-engineering approach. Indeed, although the issue of the transfer depends on numerous chemical and physiological factors, this crucial step can also be studied from a fluid mechanical point of view. This step can be divided in several sub-steps : introduction of the catheter in the intra-uterine cavity, injection of the medium fluid containing one or several embryos, and the withdrawal of the catheter. One can identify several important parameters such as fluids viscosity, injections speeds, catheter withdrawal speed, catheter loading scheme and the geometries of the uterine cavity and the catheter. In a second part, we focus on the fluid ow patterns inside the uterine cavity during the injection. The influence of the system parameters is studied thanks to a computational solving of the Navier-Stokes equations in an idealized three-dimensional uterine cavity. A study of the potential trajectories of the embryos is also conducted and confronted against the location of optimal implantation zones but also risky zones. As the outcome of these computations, we are able to propose recommendations for physicians practicing embryo transfers. In the last part of the thesis, we discuss numerical methods for the fluid{structure interaction study of embryo transfer. The embryo is indeed submitted to potentially destructive stress constraints at injection time that we are not capable of defining precisely at the scale of the uterine cavity. With the aim of developing a mechanical model for the blastocyst to determine system parameters minimizing the constraints, we present the implementation of two Eulerian numerical methods. The first one is a fluid-structure level set method in a finite volume code benefiting from an automatic mesh refinement feature. The second one addresses a phase field method based on a Discontinuous Galerkin finite element formalism
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Lehloenya, KC, and JPC Greyling. "Embryo transfer using cryopreserved Boer goat blastocysts." South African Journal of Animal Science, 2010. http://encore.tut.ac.za/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1001198.
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AbstractThe aim of this trial was to evaluate the effect of embryo cryopreservation techniques on the survivability of embryos and fertility following transfer to Boer goat does. The oestrous cycles of 27 mature recipients Boer goat does were synchronised using controlled internal drug release dispensers (CIDR’s) for 16 days. At CIDR removal, does were injected with 300 IU eCG. The recipient does were allocated to 3 groups (n = 9 per group), based on the technique of cryopreservation used for the embryos transferred. The in vivo produced embryos used were at blastocyst stage and surgically collected on day 6 following AI from Boer goat donors superovulated with pFSH. The first group received fresh embryos and served as the control, the second group of does received conventional slow frozen/thawed embryos and the third group received vitrified/thawed embryos. Two blastocysts were transferred per doe. A pregnancy rate of 85.7% (n = 6) was obtained following the transfer of fresh embryos and tended to be better than in does receiving slow frozen and vitrified embryos, (n = 4; 50.0% and n = 3; 37.5% does pregnant, respectively). The overall gestation period recorded for all does was 146.3 ± 3.0 d, with an overall litter size of 1.7 ± 0.5 being recorded. The kidding rate of the recipient does declined to 57.0% (4) and 25.0% (2) for fresh and conventional slow frozen groups, respectively. An embryo survival rate of 35.7% (n = 5) for fresh, 25.0% (n = 4) for conventional slow freezing and 31.3% (n = 5) for vitrification was recorded and was not affected by the number of CL’s present on the respective ovaries at the time of transfer. There was a tendency for more females to be born than males (ratio 1 : 2, male : female) but this could not be related to the cryopreservation technique. Although the pregnancy rate following the transfer of fresh embryos was satisfactory, the embryo survival rate following the transfer of either fresh or cryopreserved embryos tended to be less acceptable. More research is warranted with larger numbers of animals, directed at improving the survivability of embryos following fresh and cryopreserved goat embryo transfer.
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Hultling, Claes. "Assisted reproduction technology in men with ejaculatory dysfunction with special reference to spinal cord injury /." Stockholm, 1998. http://diss.kib.ki.se/1998/91-628-2806-1/.
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McGowan, Rebecca. "Aneuploid Embryo Transfer: Clinical Policies and Provider Opinions at U.S. Fertility Clinics." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1563527467302174.
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Farias, Deise Keli. "Protocolo superovulatório com extrato de pituitária equina (epe) em éguas da raça crioula e quarto de milha." Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, 2013. http://tede.udesc.br/handle/handle/899.
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Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:24:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1PGCA13MA124.pdf: 602522 bytes, checksum: 06d330f3a4de037875d96b3831ac2b65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-24
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The equine industry has grown considerably in recent years in Brazil. In this aspect, the Crioula breed has emerged as one of the greatest creations in number and genetic quality of animals. Because of this, there is a greater demand for biotechnology for breeding horses. The conventional superovulatory protocols with high hormonal doses, has shown less efficient when evaluating the relation between the number of ovulations and embryo recovery rates. Dose reduction of equine pituitary extract (EPE) could be an alternative to ensure that one or more embryos can be recovered at each collection procedure. There is few information about reproductive physiology of the Crioula mare, and practically there is no data of how that category of animal responds to superovulation and embryo transfer. Thus, this study aimed to compare the superovulatory response of embryos donor mares of Quarter Horse (QH) and Crioula breed using a protocol with low dose of equine pituitary extract (EPE). Eight QH mares and 6 Crioula mares were used in the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 seasons. These mares were in perfect health and reproductive conditions. The mare follicular control was performed daily with the aid of ultrasound. Were monitored 3 consecutive estrous cycles in each mare, being where all mares have passed for all the treatments. Every donor mare received a dose of PGF2a before beginning each protocol. Control Group - monitoring of follicle growth up to the time of ovulation; EPE group - monitoring of follicular growth. When the follicles reached 20 mm in diameter was administrated 7 mg EPE twice daily with an interval of 12h until the moment of ovulation induction. When most of the follicles achieved a diameter 35 mm, the ovulation was induced by administration of 2500UI hCG; Post EPE Group - same procedure as the control group. Donors were inseminated every 48 hours until the time of ovulation. On the eighth day post-ovulation embryo collection was performed. Data were analyzed using PROC GLM of the SAS statistical package. The variables were submitted by the Tukey test and means of least squares adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Tukey-Kramer test, with significance level of 5%. Values are presented as mean ± SD. The rate of follicular growth in different breeds, showing a mean of 10.1 and 7.7 days for Crioulas and QH mares, respectively (p <0.01). Difference was observed between breeds (p = 0.005) in the number of days on treatment with EPE with mean 6.6 and 4.7 days for the Crioula and QH breed. In the mares treated with EPE, there was an increase in the number of6ovulations (p <0.01) with a mean of 2.00 ± 0.53 and 3.33 ± 2.06 for Crioulas and QH mares respectively, when compared to the control and post-EPE groups (QH - control 1.12 ± 0.35, post-EPE 1.42 ± 0.53; Crioula - control and post-EPE 1.16 ± 0.40). The embryo recovery rate per ovulation in mares treated with EPE was 75% (27/36) versus 56.25% (9/16) in the control group (n = 14) and 88.23% (15/17) in post EPE (n = 13) group. Treatment with EPE resulted in the recovery of 1.1 ± 0.8 embryo for QH mares and 3.0 ± 2.0 embryos for the Crioula mares, while the control group 0.5 ± 0.5 and 0.8 ± 0.4 (QH and Crioula, respectively). The therapy with EPE in the dose of 7 mg bid proved effective, increasing the incidence of multiple ovulations in mares and was able to increase the number of embryos recovered by washed compared to the control group. The Crioula mares showed better superovulatory response and embryo recovery rate compared with mares of Quarter Horse
A indústria equina tem crescido consideravelmente no Brasil nos últimos anos. Neste aspecto, a raça Crioula tem se destacado como uma das maiores criações em número e qualidade genética de animais. Devido a isso existe uma maior procura por biotecnologias aplicadas a reprodução de equinos. Os protocolos convencionais superovulatórios, com altas doses hormonais, tem se mostrado menos eficientes quando se avalia a relação entre o número de ovulações e a recuperação embrionária. A redução da dose de extrato de pituitária equina (EPE) pode ser uma alternativa para garantir que um ou mais embriões possam ser recuperados em cada procedimento de coleta. Existem poucas informações sobre a fisiologia reprodutiva da égua Crioula, e praticamente não há relatos de como esta categoria de animais responde a técnica de superovulação e transferência de embriões. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo comparar a resposta superovulatória de éguas doadoras de embriões das raças Quarto de Milha (QM) e da raça Crioula utilizando um protocolo com baixa dose de extrato de pituitária equina (EPE). Para realização deste experimento foram utilizadas 8 éguas da raça QM e 6 éguas da raça Crioula, em perfeitas condições sanitárias e reprodutivas, nas estações de 2011/2012 e 2012/2013. Os animais foram submetidos a um controle folicular diário com o auxílio do ultrassom, sendo acompanhados 3 ciclos estrais consecutivos em que todas as éguas passavam por todos os tratamentos. Todas as éguas doadoras receberam uma dose de PGF2α antes de iniciarem os protocolos. Grupo Controle monitoramento do crescimento folicular até o momento da ovulação; Grupo EPE monitoramento do crescimento folicular, e a partir da presença de folículos com cerca de 20 mm de diâmetro foi realizada a administração de 7 mg de EPE, duas vezes ao dia com intervalo de 12hs até o momento da indução da ovulação. Quando a maioria dos folículos atingiram um diâmetro igual ou superior a 35 mm foi induzida a ovulação através da administração de 2500UI de hCG; Grupo Pós-EPE mesmo procedimento do grupo controle. As doadoras foram inseminadas a cada 48h até o momento da ovulação. No oitavo dia pós-ovulação foi realizada a coleta de embriões. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o PROC GLM do pacote estatístico SAS. As variáveis foram submetidas ao teste de Tukey e as médias dos quadrados mínimos ajustados para comparação múltipla utilizando o teste de Tukey-Kramer, com nível de significância de 5%. Os valores estão sendo apresentados como médias ± SD. Um dos4parâmetros avaliados foi a taxa de crescimento folicular nas diferentes raças trabalhadas, apresentando uma média de desenvolvimento de 10,1 e 7,7 dias para as Crioulas e QM, respectivamente (p<0,01). Houve diferença entre as raças (p=0,005) no número de dias em tratamento com EPE com média de 6,6 e 4,7 dias para a raça Crioula e QM. Nas éguas tratadas com EPE, houve um incremento no número de ovulações (p<0,01), com média de 2,00±0,53 e 3,33±2,06 para éguas QM e Crioulas, respectivamente, quando comparados ao grupo controle e pós-EPE (QM controle 1,12±0,35; pós- EPE 1,42±0,53; Crioula controle e pós- EPE 1,16±0,40). A taxa de recuperação embrionária por ovulação nas éguas tratadas com EPE foi de 75% (27/36) contra 56,25% (9/16) do grupo controle (n=14) e 88,23% (15/17) no grupo pós EPE (n=13). O tratamento com EPE resultou na recuperação de 1,1 ± 0,8 embrião para as éguas QM e 3,0 ± 2,0 embriões para as éguas Crioulas, enquanto o grupo controle 0,5 ± 0,5 e 0,8 ± 0,4 (QM e Crioula, respectivamente). O tratamento com EPE na dose de 7 mg b.i.d mostrou-se efetivo, aumentando a incidência de ovulações múltiplas em éguas e foi capaz de elevar o número de embriões recuperados por lavado comparado ao grupo controle. As éguas Crioulas apresentaram melhor resposta superovulatória e taxa de recuperação embrionária comparado com as éguas da raça Quarto de Milha
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Lallemand, Guy. "Transfert in utéro : à propos de 65 observations." Bordeaux 2, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992BOR2M213.
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Pushett, David 1968. "Assisted reproduction and subsequent embryo development to form embryos for transfer and cryobanking in endangered cats using the domestic cat as a model." Monash University, Centre for Early Human Development, 2000. http://arrow.monash.edu.au/hdl/1959.1/8940.
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Vogt, Britta. "Methoden der künstlichen Befruchtung "Dreierregel" versus "Single Embryo Transfer"." Frankfurt, M. Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York, NY Oxford Wien Lang, 2007. http://d-nb.info/988209411/04.
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Wulster, Meghan Carole. "Estradiol-17beta-Oxytocin Induced Cervical Dilation in Sheep: Application to Transcervical Embryo." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/36942.
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Experiments were initiated to determine whether exogenous estradiol-17beta (E2) and oxytocin (OT) can be used to dilate the cervix and improve transcervical embryo transfer (ET) procedures for sheep. However, there was concern that the E2-OT treatment may alter luteal function and that embryo quality would decrease as the superovulatory response to FSH increased. In Exp. 1, 32 ewes were assigned to a 2 x 2 factorial array of treatments. On d 7, ewes received an i.v. injection of either 100 micrograms of E2 in 5 mL of 1:1 ethanol:saline or 5 mL of 1:1 ethanol:saline; 12 h later, ewes received i.v. injection of either 400 USP units of OT or saline. Jugular blood was collected on d 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18. Progesterone concentrations were unaffected by the treatments. Experiment 2 was conducted to determine the dose of pFSH needed to induce approximately six corpora lutea (CL). Ten-day Norgestomet implants inserted between d 8-12 of the estrous cycle were used to synchronize estrus in Hampshire and Hampshire x Dorset ewes (n = 23). Ewes received a total of either 0, 18, 27, or 36 mg of pFSH, which was injected i.m. at -24, -12, 0, 12, 24, and 36 h relative to implant removal. The dose at each respective time was 19.4, 19.4, 16.7, 16.7, 13.9, and 13.9% of the total. Ewes received 400 IU of PMSG i.m. at -24 h. The CL were counted laparoscopically on d 6 (d 0 = estrus). Number of CL increased linearly (P < .01) with dose of pFSH; there were 1.8, 3.6, 6.3, and 11.2 CL/ewe, respectively. Experiment 3 was conducted to determine the effect of the E2-OT treatment, mode of transfer or the interaction of E2-OT treatment x mode of transfer on embryo survival and development. Experiment 3 was conducted over two breeding seasons and across two trials. In the first trial ewes were assigned to one of three randomized treatments. Procedural limitations that were later overcome prevented a true 2 x 2 factorial design; therefore, transcervical transfer without hormonal treatment was excluded in the first trial. In the second trial, ewes were assigned to a 2 x 2 factorial array of treatments. On d 6 of pregnancy, embryos rating a fair or better were transferred into recipients either transcervically or laparoscopically. Recipients were administered either an E2 (d 6) - OT (d 7) treatment or an ethanol:saline-saline treatment following the same protocol as in Exp. 1. Embryos were recovered on d 12 in Trial 1 and d 14 in Trial 2. Embryos were evaluated morphologically for development and ranked on a scale of one to four; one represented no development and four represented development to the morphological stages associated with the day of collection. The treatments did not affect the percentage of embryos recovered after transfer or the percentage of embryos that showed some developed. However, there was an effect of mode of transfer on mean rank of embryo development; embryos transferred laporscopically developed further than embryos transferred transcervically (P < .01). This may have been an artifact of a technician effect between trials. There was an effect of E2-OT treatment on transcervical transfer (P < .01), indicating that it may be detrimental to transfer embryos transcervically without dilating the cervix. In conclusion, the E2-OT treatment did not affect luteal function, and the E2-OT treatment can be used to dilate the cervix and enhance success of transcervical transfer of embryos. A 400 IU priming dose of PMSG and a total dose of 27 mg of pFSH can be used to induce the target number of six CL.
Master of Science
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Gregoire, Anne. "Cryoconservation des ressources génétiques chez le cochon d’Inde (Cavia porcellus) : production et congélation des embryons." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LYO10168/document.
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La conservation de la biodiversité génétique du cochon d’Inde (Cavia porcellus) est importante en tant qu’animal de consommation endémique de la région andine ainsi qu’en tant qu’animal modèle précieux pour la recherche biomédicale.L’objectif de ce travail était de mettre en place les protocoles qui permettront une conservation ex situ des ressources génétiques de cette espèce par la voie femelle. Les étapes nécessaires à la concrétisation d’un projet de cryobanque sont :- la maîtrise de la production d’embryons grâce à des traitements hormonaux de synchronisation du cycle œstral et de superovulation des femelles,- la cryoconservation dans l’azote liquide des embryons obtenus et leur transfert dans des femelles receveuses.Une méthode standardisée de synchronisation des chaleurs basée sur l’administration d’altrenogest per os pendant 15 jours a été définie. Les chaleurs des femelles donneuses et receveuses d’embryons apparaissent dans les 4 à 5 jours qui suivent l’arrêt du traitement de ce progestagène.Des traitements de superovulation basés sur 3 injections à 24 heures d’intervalle d’hMG, ou 6 injections à 12 heures d’intervalle de FSH-recombinante humaine, permettent une augmentation du taux d’ovulation de l’ordre de fois 3 à fois 4 par rapport à des femelles non-traitées. Toutefois les réponses au traitement restent variables et il faudra réitérer l’expérience sur de plus grands lots d’animaux afin d’ajuster les doses et les moments d’application.La méthode de congélation lente, utilisant l’éthylène glycol comme cryoprotecteur, a permis d’obtenir des taux de survie embryonnaire satisfaisants (70,3%). La méthode de vitrification a également donné de bons résultats, avec un taux de survie embryonnaire de 41,7%.Le premier transfert au monde d’embryons frais réalisé avec succès dans une femelle receveuse préalablement synchronisée a été obtenu lors de ce travail. Les transferts d’embryons décongelés n’ont pas encore donné lieu à des gestations
The preservation of the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) genetic biodiversity is important as a native source of protein for many highlanders in the Andean region and as a precious laboratory animal for biomedical research.The aim of this work was to establish the protocols that will enable an ex situ preservation of the genetic resources of this species by the female way.The necessary steps for the achievement of a cryobank project are:- the control of the embryo production thanks to hormonal treatments to synchronize the estrous cycles and to superovulate the females,- the cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen of the obtained embryos and their transfer into recipient females.A standard method for synchronization of heat periods based on the per os administration of altrenogest during 15 days has been defined. The heat periods of the females, donors and recipients of embryos, appears 4 to 5 days after the end of the progestagen treatment. Superovulation treatments, based on 3 injections at 24-hour intervals of hMG or 6 injections at 12-hour intervals of human recombinant-FSH, lead to an increase of the ovulation rate of about 3 to 4 times when compared to untreated females. However, the responses to the treatments remain variable and further studies involving a larger number of animals should be carried out in order to adjust the dose and the moment of application of the treatment.The slow-freezing method, using ethylene glycol as cryoprotectant, enables the attainment of a satisfactory in vitro embryo survival rate (70,3%). The vitrification method also gives good results, with a 41,7% in vitro embryo survival rate.The first successful transfer of fresh embryos into a synchronized recipient female has been achieved in this study. The transfers of frozen-thawed embryos did not yet lead to gestation
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Montfoort, Aafke Philomena Anna van. "Prevention of twin pregnancies in IVF by single embryo transfer." [Maastricht] : Maastricht : Universitaire Pers Maastricht ; University Library, Universiteit Maastricht [host], 2007. http://arno.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=8686.
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McNaughtan, Jared William. "The Effect of Prostaglandin Inhibitor on Pregnancy Rates of Heifer Embryo Transfer Recipients." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2004. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd672.pdf.
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Wallace,LoganD. "Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to embryo transfer recipients increased ovulation, progesterone, and transfer pregnancy rates." Thesis, Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/4232.
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Junior, Pedro Leopoldo Jerônimo Monteiro. "Exogenous hormonal manipulation to increase reproductive efficiency in dairy cows." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/11/11139/tde-28042015-093330/.
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In recent years, in dairy cattle, while it was observed a gradual increase in productivity, a decrease occurred in the reproductive efficiency. Several factors, such as increased incidence of diseases, higher susceptibility to heat stress and increase of dry matter intake, have been awarded as possible causes for the decrease in fertility. Increased dry matter intake is associated with increased liver blood flow, which is associated with an increase in liver metabolism of steroid hormones. Given the high metabolism of steroid hormones in high producing dairy cows, six studies were carried out, which in this thesis are divided in three chapters, involving hormone supplementation in lactating dairy cows. The first study aimed to increase the synchronization rate of dairy cows submitted to a fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) estradiol (E2)/progesterone (P4)-based protocol. For this purpose, two experiments were performed, the first (n = 44 cows) compared a 2.0 vs 3.0 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) associated to a P4 implant at the beginning of the protocol. The second experiment (n = 82 cows) performed presynchronization with GnRH prior to the onset of a FTAI protocol to produced different follicular development stages at the time of E2/P4: emergence vs. dominance. Daily ultrasound and hormone evaluations were performed. Other four experiments are described in the second (n = 1070 cows) and third (n = 1498 cows) chapter, which have been developed to evaluate the effect of P4 supplementation after ovulation in lactating dairy cows. In general, these studies evaluated the effect of supplementation on the corpus luteum (CL) development and function, mRNA abundance for interferon stimulated genes (ISG), on fertility of cows subjected to AI after estrus detection or FTAI protocol, or to embryo transfer. Increasing the EB dose from 2.0 for 3.0 mg did not improve emergence wave synchronization. In fact, it induced luteolysis in a larger number of cows. Altering the stage of the estrous cycle of the cows at the beginning of the E2/P4-based FTAI protocol did not improve synchronization of wave emergence. Post ovulation P4 supplementation did not affect CL development and function, and did not increase the mRNA abundance for ISG. Cows subjected to AI after estrus detection or after an E2/P4-based FTAI protocol did not have increased fertility. However when P4-supplemented cows were subjected to a GnRH-based FTAI protocol there was an improvement in the fertility of about 8%. Thus, we can concluded that regardless of the EB dose or stage of the estrous cycle at beginning of the E2/P4-based FTAI protocol, still there are cows that fail to have a synchronized emergence of a new wave and/or to ovulate at the end protocol. Additionally, depending on the protocol used, P4 supplementation may increase the fertility of dairy cows, but compromises the fertility when embryos are transferred.
Nos últimos anos, em rebanhos leiteiros, foi observado um aumento acentuado da produtividade acompanhado de uma diminuição da eficiência reprodutiva das vacas lactantes. Diversos fatores, como o aumento da incidência de doenças, da suscetibilidade ao estresse térmico e da ingestão de matéria seca, têm sido atribuídos como possíveis causas para esse decréscimo na fertilidade. Aumento da ingestão de matéria seca está associado maior fluxo sanguíneo hepático, que por sua vez está relacionado com aumento da metabolização hepática de diversas moléculas, entre elas os hormônios esteroides. Tendo em vista o alto metabolismo destes hormônios nas vacas leiteiras, foram realizados seis estudos, que na presente tese estão divididos em três capítulos, envolvendo suplementação hormonal em vacas leiteiras lactantes. O primeiro capítulo teve como objetivo aumentar a taxa de sincronização de vacas leiteiras ao protocolo de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) à base de estradiol (E2)/progesterona (P4). Para isso foram realizados dois experimentos, sendo o primeiro (n = 44 vacas) utilizando dose de 2.0 ou 3.0 mg de benzoato de estradiol (BE) associado a um dispositivo de P4, no início do protocolo. No segundo (n = 82 vacas), foi realizada uma pré-sincronização com GnRH para iniciar o protocolo de IATF em diferentes estágios foliculares: recrutamento vs. dominância. Avaliações ultrassonográficas e dosagens hormonais foram feitas. Outros 4 experimentos, descritos no segundo (n = 1070 vacas) e no terceiro (n = 1498 vacas) capítulo, foram desenvolvidos para avaliar o efeito da suplementação de P4 após a ovulação em vacas leiteiras. Nesses estudos, foram avaliados os efeitos desta suplementação na formação e função do corpo lúteo (CL), na expressão de genes estimulados por interferon (ISG), na fertilidade de vacas submetidas a IA, através da observação de estro ou de protocolo de IATF, e em receptoras de embrião. A dose de 3.0 mg de BE, além de não aumentar a taxa de sincronização da emergência de uma nova onda folicular, induziu luteólise em um maior número de vacas que a dose de 2.0 mg. Independente da fase do ciclo estral, no início do protocolo a base de E2/P4, houve falhas na indução na sincronização da emergência e de ovulação. A suplementação com P4 após a ovulação não alterou a formação e função do CL, mas também não aumentou a expressão de ISG. Vacas submetidas a IA após detecção de estro ou submetidas à IATF em protocolos a base de E2/P4 não apresentaram aumento na fertilidade, no entanto quando submetidas ao protocolo de IATF à base de GnRH foi observado em torno de 8% de incremento de fertilidade. Contudo, receptoras de embrião suplementadas com P4 tiveram menor fertilidade. Assim, concluiu-se que independente da dose de EB ou do momento do ciclo estral em que se inicia o protocolo de IATF à base de E2/P4 há falhas de emergência de uma nova onda e/ou de ovulação ao final do protocolo. Além disso, dependendo do protocolo utilizado, a suplementação com P4 pósovulação pode aumentar a fertilidade de vacas submetidas à IATF, contudo compromete a fertilidade de receptoras de embrião.
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VELOSO, NETO Humberto Fernandes. "Efeito da flunixina meglumina, somatotropina recombinante bovina e sincronização de receptoras sobre a taxa de prenhez de embriões bovinos produzidos in vitro." Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, 2013. http://www.tede2.ufrpe.br:8080/tede2/handle/tede2/5676.
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Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-10-11T15:07:57ZNo. of bitstreams: 1Humberto Fernandes Veloso Neto.pdf: 1107273 bytes, checksum: 67f2862b222caf4332afe8d16b522184 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-11T15:07:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1Humberto Fernandes Veloso Neto.pdf: 1107273 bytes, checksum: 67f2862b222caf4332afe8d16b522184 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22
The variability of successful transfers of embryos produced in vitro is still one of the obstacle to its expansion, where some of the problems are related to early embryonic mortality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the application of flunixin meglumine and recombinant bovine somatotropin and observe the effect of variables such as embryonic development, embryo synchrony with the recipient, corpus luteum size at the time of transfer and pregnancy rate. In the first experiment 55 recipient heifers were randomly in the three different groups: G1 control group (n=15 animals); G2 group receiving 500mg of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST)/animal/subcutaneous (n=20 animals) and G3 group receiving 500mg flunixin meglumine/animal/intramuscular (n=20 animals). Pregnancy rates for G1 53,33% (8/15), G2 60% (12/20), G3 55% (11/20) with no statistically significant difference between groups (P> 0,05). In experiment II 134 heifers were used as recipients of embryos produced in vitro. The pregnancy rate was evaluated according to the degree of development of the structure transferred embryo synchrony with the receiver, and corpus luteum size. Embryos (blastocyst, expanded blastocyst, ecloded blastocyst) showed better pregnancy rates than less development younger embryos (morula, early blastocyst), 57,14% and 25% respectively (P<0,05). Synchrony with the recipient embryo -1 (68,42%), 0 (88,88%), +1 (41,5%) for P<0,05 and size of the corpus luteum large 46,83% CL1, CL2 average 55,88%, 42,85% CL3 small (P> 0,05). In conclusion, under experiment conditions described, the application of flunixin meglumine, recombinant bovine somatotropin and was not efficient to increase the pregnancy rate, but it is note that the pregnancy rate varied in the degree of development of the embryo and the embryo synchrony with the recipient.
A variabilidade do sucesso das transferências de embriões produzidos in vitro ainda é um dos entraves para sua expansão, onde alguns dos problemas são relacionados à mortalidade embrionária precoce. O objetivo com estes trabalhos foi avaliar a aplicação da flunixina meglumina e da somatotropina recombinante bovina e observar o efeito de algumas variáveis como grau de desenvolvimento do embrião, sincronia do embrião com a receptora e classificação do corpo lúteo da receptora no momento da transferência sobre a taxa de prenhez. No experimento I foram utilizadas 55 novilhas receptoras de embrião agrupadas aleatoriamente: G1 grupo controle (n=15animais); G2 grupo que recebeu 500mg de somatotropina recombinante bovina/animal/por via subcutâneo (n=20 animais) e G3 grupo 500mg de flunixina meglumina/animal/via intramuscular (n=20 animais). As taxas de prenhez para os grupos foram G1 53,33% (8/15), G2 60% (12/20), G3 55% (11/20) não havendo diferença significativa entre os grupos (P>0,05). No experimento II foram utilizadas 134 novilhas como receptoras de embriões produzidos in vitro. A taxa de prenhez foi avaliada segundo grau de desenvolvimento da estrutura transferida, sincronia do embrião com a receptora e a classificação corpo lúteo. Embriões desenvolvidos (Blastocisto, Blastocisto expandido) apresentaram melhores índices de prenhez que embriões jovens (Mórula, Blastocisto inicial), 57,14% e 25% respectivamente (P<0,05). Sincronia do embrião com a receptora que apresentou melhores taxas de prenhez foram: sincronia 0 (88,88%) e sincronia - 1 (68,42 %) em relação a sincronia + 1 (41,5 % ) para P<0,05 e classificação do corpo lúteo não houve diferença com CL1 grande 46,83%, CL2 médio 55,88%, CL3 pequeno 42,85% (P>0,05). Nas condições deste experimento a aplicação da flunixina meglumina e da somatotropina recombinantes bovina não foi eficiente para aumentar a taxa de prenhez, porém deve-se atentar que a taxa de prenhez foi dependente do grau de desenvolvimento do embrião e sincronia da receptora com o embrião.
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Ferreira, Joaquim Esquerdo. "Efeito do m?todo de sincroniza??o da onda folicular na resposta superovulat?ria em bovinos." Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, 2012. https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/1568.
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Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-02T17:48:14ZNo. of bitstreams: 12012 - Joaquim Esquerdo Ferreira.pdf: 1044844 bytes, checksum: 50873f4b4aaa018dbcef3230dfd6b272 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-02T17:48:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 12012 - Joaquim Esquerdo Ferreira.pdf: 1044844 bytes, checksum: 50873f4b4aaa018dbcef3230dfd6b272 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-02
Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES
Although the bovine embryo transfer is a technique widely used around the world, the variability of donor response to superovulatory treatment is still an important limitation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the synchronization method of follicular wave on superovulatory response of bovine embryo donors. For this, seven Girolando cows and five Girolando heifers previously selected (depending on the reproductive history, sanitary conditions, nutritional and reproductive tract without anatomical abnormalities) were randomly assigned to three treatments according to the synchronization of follicular wave before the superovulation: i) synchronization with GnRH ii) synchronization with progestagen implant and application of estradiol benzoate iii) without synchronization (based on estrus detection - Control Group). After submitted to the treatment for synchronization of follicular wave, the donors were superovulated with eight decreasing FSH doses, applied twice daily by deep intramuscular injection (IM) with intervals of 12 hours for each application, with a total dose of 133 mg for each animal. The first insemination was conducted 12 hours after application of ovulation inducer (GnRH) and the second insemination conducted 12 hours after the first. The superovulatory response was measured with an ultrasound device (MINDRAY D2200 VET) to quantify the number of corpus luteum present in the ovaries on the day of embryo flushing and also assessed the number and quality of embryos recovered. It was observed that animal category and crossbred influenced the superovulatory response (p <0.05). The heifers showed a higher response to superovulatory treatment (100% of response in all treatments) when compared to cows had showed 85.7%, 57.1% and 57.1% of superovulatory response to estrus based group, GnRH and P4+EB, respectively. The genetic group (crossbred) also showed influence on superovulatory response (p <0.05) since the 3/8 animals responded better than 3/4animals. The treatments for follicular wave emergence synchronization did not show differences for superovulatory response (p>0.05), recovered structures and viable structures. So, we conclude that the treatments for follicular wave synchronization with GnRH or P4+BE can be used in Girolando donors with same efficiency of estrus based group. Besides, we conclude also that Girolando heifers have better superovulatory response than cows as well as 3/8 crossbred donors.
Embora a transfer?ncia de embri?es bovinos seja uma t?cnica amplamente empregada em todo o mundo, a variabilidade da resposta de doadoras ao tratamento superovulat?rio ainda ? uma importante limita??o. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do m?todo de sincroniza??o da onda folicular na resposta superovulat?ria de doadoras de embri?o Girolando. Para tanto, sete vacas e cinco novilhas, previamente selecionadas (em fun??o do hist?rico reprodutivo, condi??es sanit?ria, nutricional e trato reprodutivo sem anormalidades anat?micas) foram aleatoriamente distribu?das em tr?s tratamentos de acordo com o m?todo de sincroniza??o da onda folicular previamente ? superovula??o: i) sincroniza??o com GnRH; ii) sincroniza??o com implante de progest?geno e aplica??o de Benzoato de Estradiol; iii) sem sincroniza??o (observa??o do cio base - Grupo Controle). Depois de submetidas ao tratamento para sincroniza??o da onda folicular, as doadoras foram superovuladas com oito subdoses decrescentes de FSH, aplicadas duas vezes ao dia, por via intramuscular profunda (IM), com intervalos de 12 horas a cada aplica??o, somando 133 mg por animal. A primeira insemina??o foi realizada 12 horas ap?s a aplica??o do indutor da ovula??o (GnRH) e a segunda insemina??o realizada 12 horas ap?s a primeira. A resposta superovulat?ria foi avaliada com auxilio de um aparelho de ultrassom (MINDRAY D2200 VET) para quantificar o n?mero de corpos l?teos presentes nos ov?rios no dia da coleta assim como pelo n?mero e qualidade dos embri?es recuperados. Foi observado que a categoria animal e o grau de sangue influenciaram a resposta superovulat?ria (p<0.05). As novilhas apresentaram uma maior resposta ao tratamento superovulat?rio (100% de resposta em todos os tratamentos) quando comparadas ?s vacas que apresentaram 85,7%, 57,1% e 57,1% de resposta superovulat?ria para os grupos cio base, GnRH e P4+BE, respectivamente. O grupo gen?tico (grau de sangue) tamb?m mostrou influ?ncia na resposta superovulat?ria (p<0.05) sendo que os animais 3/8 responderam melhor ao tratamento superovulat?rio do que os animais 3/4. Os tratamentos de sincroniza??o da emerg?ncia da onda folicular n?o apresentaram diferen?as na resposta superovulat?ria (p>0.05), nas estruturas recuperadas e nas estruturas vi?veis. Desta forma, conclui-se que os tratamentos de sincroniza??o da onda folicular com GnRH ou com P4+BE podem ser utilizados em doadoras Girolando com a mesma efici?ncia do cio base. Al?m disso, conclui-se tamb?m que novilhas Girolando respondem melhor ao tratamento superovulat?rio do que vacas assim como as doadoras de grau de sangue 3/8 quando comparadas as 3/4.
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Pereira, David Gago da Câmara Dias. "Estudo do efeito da administração da gonadotrofina coriónica humana ou do meloxicam sobre a taxa de gestação de receptoras de embriões bovinos descongelados da raça Frísia Holstein." Master's thesis, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/4868.
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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
A transferência de embriões (TE) - tecnologia reprodutiva de 2ª geração possui um sucesso comprovado, tendo actualmente uma expressão mundial significativa. O objectivo deste trabalho consistiu no estudo das taxas de gestação (TG) após transferência de embriões bovinos descongelados, usando gonadotrofina coriónica humana (hCG) ou o anti-inflamatório não esteróide, meloxicam, em novilhas da raça Frísia Holstein pertencentes a produtores de quatro ilhas do grupo central da Região Autónoma dos Açores.Apesar da amostra estudada ser reduzida (n=100), os resultados das TG parecem-nos aceitáveis para todos os grupos: grupo não tratado (n=48) (64,6%); grupo meloxicam dia 6 (n=15) (66,6%); grupo meloxicam dia 14 (n=19) (63,2%); grupo hCG dia 6 (n=18) (55,5%). Contudo, os dados não evidenciaram diferenças significativas entre as TG nos diferentes grupos de tratamento pelo teste exacto de Fisher bilateral, com p=0,907. Também não se encontrou qualquer evidência de associação entre “Grupo tratado” ou “Grupo não tratado” versus “Diagnóstico de gestação” pelo teste exacto de Fisher bilateral, com p=0,837.Os dados também não evidenciaram diferenças entre o tempo mediano de TE (7 min) entre novilhas gestantes e não gestantes, pelo teste de Mann-Whitney U, com p=0,850.Assim, apesar do estudo não revelar resultados estatísticos significativos, parece-nos admissível sugerir o uso de meloxicam como tratamento coadjuvante, sobretudo após a transferência de embriões cuja viabilidade esteja ainda mais comprometida que os embriões usados no presente trabalho.Em conclusão, o presente ensaio poderá ser o precursor de outros a serem realizados com uma amostra maior e eventualmente com um desenho experimental mais completo. Futuros estudos poderão incluir um maior número de grupos para análise e avaliarem a eventual diferença entre tratamentos, na perspectiva da obtenção de uma relação custo-benefício favorável com recurso à transferência de embriões de alto valor genético.
ABSTRACT - The effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin or meloxicam administration on the pregnancy rate after transfer of frozen-thawed Holstein bovine embryos to dairy heifers - Embryo transfer (ET) - 2nd generation of reproductive technologies has an approved success and a significative expression worldwide. The aim of this work was to study the pregnancy rate (PR) after ET using thawed bovine embryos injecting human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) or the non steroidal anti-inflammatory meloxicam in a group of Holstein Frisiean heifers belonging to farmers allocated in four islands of the central group of Azores autonomous region.Despite the reduced studied population (n=100), the results in PR seem to us acceptable to all groups: Untreated group (n=48) (64,6%); meloxicam day 6 group (n=15) (66,6%); meloxicam day 14 group (n=19) (63,2%) and hCG day 6 group (n=18) (55,5%). However, the data revealed no significant differences between the PR in the different treated groups with Fisher’s exact bilateral test with p= 0,907. There was also no evidence of an association between "Group treated" or "Untreated group" versus "Pregnancy diagnosis" with Fisher's exact bilateral test p = 0,837 bilateral.The data also showed no differences between the median time of ET (7 minutes) between heifers pregnant and non-pregnant with Mann-Whitney U test with p= 0,850.Thus, although the study did not reveal significant statistical results, it seems acceptable to suggest the use of meloxicam as adjuvant treatment, especially after the transfer of embryos whose viability is further more compromised than the embryos used in this study. In conclusion, the present study may be the precursor of others studies to arise new aims and results regarding a larger sample and eventually a more complete experimental design. A greater number of groups to be analyzed and evaluated to check any differences between treatments with the aim of obtaining a relationship among values appropriate to the use of embryo transfer with high genetic value.
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Veleva,Z.(Zdravka). "Factors affecting the outcome of IVF/ICSI." Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2008. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789514288838.
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AbstractFertility declines with advancing age and the number of couples seeking infertility treatment at an older age is constantly increasing. A top quality embryo is believed to have the highest potential for implantation and development into a child. A better understanding of the relative importance of patient and treatment characteristics and of embryo quality could help to optimise the existing therapeutic schemes and the safety of in vitro fertilisation/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI). In this work, databases of five Finnish infertility clinics were studied retrospectively. Data on treatments performed in the years 1994–2005 were collected. A total of 19,000 treatment cycles were analysed. Special attention was paid to the relative significance of the transfer of top quality embryos with regards to pregnancy, miscarriage, live birth and cost of treatment in the general IVF/ICSI patient population and in groups with expected poor outcome. The results showed that the transfer of a top quality embryo is associated with a better chance of pregnancy and live birth. However, it does not diminish the probability of miscarriage. Both low and high BMI increase the miscarriage rate. Advancing age and a positive history of previous miscarriages are also associated with a higher probability of miscarriage. In addition, the need for hormonal substitution in cases of frozen-embryo transfer is a risk factor of miscarriage, probably because of suboptimal endometrial function. Since the transfer of several embryos leads to multiple pregnancies, which are associated with a high risk of maternal and fetal complications, elective single embryo transfer (eSET) of a top quality embryo allows all additional good quality embryos to be frozen and transferred later in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles. The present work demonstrates that eSET is a safe treatment strategy at least until the age of 40. However, it might not be performed in women with fewer than four collected oocytes, since the prognosis might remain poor even if the response is improved in a following cycle. When eSET is applied routinely and on a large scale, it diminishes treatment costs while increasing the number of deliveries occurring at term, making IVF/ICSI at the same time safer and more affordable even to patients without access to reimbursed IVF treatment.
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Randall,AdrienneE. "Non-transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus via embryo transfer." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ43206.pdf.
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Jones,ChristopherA. "Economic evaluation of alternative embryo transfer policies in in vitro fertilisation (IVF)." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.426399.
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Lema,MelissaM. "Inventory and summary of embryo transfer work at the Cal Poly dairy /." Click here to view, 2009. http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/dscisp/20.
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Thesis (B.S.)--California Polytechnic State University, 2009.
Project advisor: Stan Henderson. Title from PDF title page; viewed on Jan. 21, 2010. Includes bibliographical references. Also available on microfiche.
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Coats,E.M. "Embryo transfer techniques and their impact on the outcome of assisted conception." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2017. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/47223/.
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This thesis describes the development of a novel system to grade the ‘difficulty’ of an embryo transfer (ET) procedure. A systematic review of the prevalence of ‘difficult’ ET has revealed marked heterogeneity across the literature with no real consensus ‘definition’ or ‘grading system’ available for clinicians to use. A new systematic approach to grading ET procedures has been proposed and tested. It has the ablity to predict IVF outcomes accurately and has proven to be reliable. The ‘difficult’ ET procedure has been shown in this thesis to be detrimental to IVF outcomes when a fresh single blastocyst is transferred. All embryos of different qualities are affected to some degree by a difficult ET, but it appears that high quality blastocysts are proportionally more affected than the lower quality embryos, which have a lower potential to implant, though the mechanism is not clear. The embryo transfer time (ETT) is fundamental in determining the implantation potential of a single blastocyst. Once the ET procedures takes longer than ‘120-seconds’ and ETT is prolonged, there is a significant impact on both pregnancy and clinical pregnancy rates. The detrimental impact of increasing ETT on pregnancy rates was found to be independent of an embryo’s quality. The ETT appears to be a more accurate way to predict IVF outcomes than a stratified grading scale, though combining a descriptive scale with ETT may offer the optimum grading system. This thesis has shown that embryo cooling during ET loading and discharging may be significant. The morphokinetic data evaluated in developing mouse embryos has suggested that embryo hatching may be affected by embryo cooling, but further work is needed to confirm this effect. The ‘novel’ grading system proposed here combines both ETT with a systematic grading system and is based on strong evidence acquired in this work. It has been shown to be reliable and easy to use but it remains for this ‘new’ system to be tested and integrated into clinical practice.
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Davis, Aaron Patrick. "Apoptotic and Epigenetic Induction of Embryo Failure Following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer." DigitalCommons@USU, 2013. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/1941.
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Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a useful tool for selective breeding, conservation, and production of transgenic animals. Despite the successful cloning of several species, high rates of embryo failure following SCNT prevent the wide-scale use of the technique. Embryos produced through cloning have a higher incidence of developmental arrest, decreased developmental potential, frequent implantation failures, and increased incidence of abortion. The objective of this dissertation research was to characterize the factors that lead to SCNT failures by examining epigenetic and apoptotic pathways that can negatively influence the development of cloned preimplantation embryos. Aberrant genome reprogramming is generally considered to be a key factor in the failure of SCNT embryo development. Therefore, we used bisulfite pyrosequencing technology to compare DNA methylation patterns of several genes critical for embryonic development (POU5F1, NANOG, SOX2, and KLF4) in SCNT and in vitro fertilized (IVF) blastocyst stage embryos. The methylation profiles obtained from these experiments indicate that methylation patterns of the POU5F1 gene were undermethylated compared to IVF embryos, suggesting reprogramming did occur, but that the reduced methylation was inappropriate for the blastocyst stage. Furthermore, aberrant methylation profiles were detected for SOX2 and NANOG, suggesting that problems of genome reprogramming following SCNT can be gene-specific or localized. Because high rates of apoptosis are associated with failure of preimplantation embryos, we compared the activation of the P53-mediated apoptosis pathway in individual IVF and SCNT preimplantation embryos at multiple developmental stages. This pathway is activated in response to cell stress and genomic instability, and in response to the expression of genes associated with somatic cell reprogramming. Evidence from gene expression and immunohistochemistry analyses suggests that the P53 pathway is frequently active in SCNT embryos. Also, we detected expression of several factors known to induce apoptosis more frequently and at higher levels in SCNT embryos. Collectively, the work presented here illuminates some of the molecular consequences of incomplete or inappropriate genome reprogramming in cloned embryos. The identification of these factors may lead to interventions that target the apoptosis pathway during preimplantation development and increase SCNT success rates.
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García, Domínguez Ximo. "Developmental plasticity and transgenerational reprogramming following vitrified embryo transfer in Oryctolagus cuniculus." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/149562.
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Tesis por compendio
[ES] Las tecnologías de reproducción asistida suponen un cambio drástico en el entorno natural del embrión, al no conseguir imitar las condiciones maternales óptimas, por lo que su aplicación implica consecuencias para el desarrollo del organismo. El objetivo general de esta tesis fue estudiar los efectos a largo plazo y transgeneracionales del estrés provocado durante un procedimiento de transferencia de embriones vitrificados, utilizando el conejo como modelo animal. En el Capítulo I, demostramos que la transferencia de mórulas tempranas o compactas resulta en tasas de supervivencia al parto > 70% en fresco y > 55% tras la vitrificación. La facilidad con la que se pueden realizar estos procedimientos, el elevado número de descendientes que podemos obtener y el corto ciclo de vida del conejo, fomentaron y facilitaron los siguientes estudios. En el Capítulo II, se compararon las diferencias en el desarrollo a corto y largo plazo entre los animales nacidos de embriones transferidos en fresco (FT) o tras su vitrificación (VT), utilizando una población concebida de forma natural (NC) como referencia. Tanto las tasas de supervivencia prenatal, como el rendimiento del crecimiento postnatal, se redujeron significativamente a medida que aumentó la manipulación embrionaria (NC
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Gaggiotti-Marre, Sofia. "Impact of serum progesterone on reproductive outcomes in frozen embryo transfer cycles." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/672553.
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Tot i que l’origen del seu nom no és del tot clar, a mi m’agrada pensar que l’etimologia de l’hormona progesterona ve donat perquè és la hormona pro gestare, és a dir, que afavoreix la gestació.Sabem que aquesta hormona es secreta en grans quantitats després de la ovulació i, donat el cas, durant tot l’embaràs. Tanmateix, és la responsable de preparar l’endometri (la part interna de l’úter) per rebre un embrió i aconseguir així una gestació.Quan fem un tractament de reproducció assistida, en concret una fecundació in vitro, i no aconseguim un embaràs en el primer intent, moltes vegades tenim embrions congelats per poder fer un nou intent o en cas de desig d’un segon fill/a. En aquestes ocasions, hem de decidir com preparem aquest endometri per rebre l’embrió i poder aconseguir l’embaràs.La importància i necessitat de la progesterona en la preparació de l’endometri és inqüestionable. Tot i així, en un primer estudi vam trobar que les dones amb valors en sang de progesterona inferiors a 10.6ng/mL el dia abans de transferir un embrió, presentaven més avortaments (26.6% vs 9.5%) i menys nascuts vius (47.5% vs 62.3%) respecte aquelles amb valors més elevats (Gaggiotti-Marre, 2019). Aquesta tendència vam veure que es mantenia tant quan preparàvem l’endometri amb tractament mèdic hormonal com quan seguíem el cicle natural de la pacient. És a dir, tant si la progesterona la donàvem nosaltres (administració vaginal cada 8 hores) com si la fabrica la dona de forma natural (Gaggiotti-Marre, 2020).I això, per què pot passar? Vam descobrir que certs factors eren determinants dels valors de progesterona en sang: edat, pes, un cicle previ de tractament amb ja valors baixos de progesterona, i el temps des de la última administració del tractament (González-Foruria, 2020), amb la qual cosa aquests factors poden ajudar a preveure quines pacients tenen més risc de tenir uns valors baixos de progesterona i pitjors resultats reproductius.Ens queda aleshores trobar una solució a aquesta troballa que fa que les parelles tinguin més avortaments i menys nascuts vius. Vam dissenyar un estudi prospectiu pel qual les dones amb valors baixos de progesterona el dia abans de transferir l’embrió, rebien una dosi diària de progesterona amb una formulació subcutània de recent aparició al mercat. De les 453 pacients incloses en l’estudi, un 37.7% tenien valors baixos de progesterona. De les que van rebre el tractament addicional, el 98.2% van arribar a valors òptims, obtenint els mateixos resultats reproductius (nascuts vius i avortaments) que aquelles pacients que inicialment ja tenien valors elevats (Álvarez, 2021). En conclusió, la detecció de valors de progesterona en sang inferiors a 10.6ng/mL el dia abans de la transferència d’embrions congelats es relaciona amb menors nascuts vius i més avortaments, però és una troballa corregible si es detecta amb temps. Això ens permet oferir un tractament individualitzat i continuar el camí cap a una medicina personalitzada i no un tractament ‘one size fits all’.
A pesar de que el origen de su nombre no es del todo claro, a mí me gusta pensar que la etimología de la hormona progesterona deriva de que es la hormona pro gestare, es decir, que favorece la gestación. Sabemos que esta hormona se secreta en grandes cantidades después de la ovulación y, dado el caso, durante la gestación. A su vez, es la responsable de preparar el endometrio (parte interna del útero) para recibir un embrión y lograr así un embarazo. Cuando realizamos un tratamiento de reproducción asistida, en concreto una fecundación in vitro, y no conseguimos una gestación en el primer intento o por una causa médica, en muchas ocasiones tenemos embriones congelados que podemos usar para un nuevo intento o en caso de desear otro hijo/a. En estas ocasiones, hay que decidir cómo se prepara el endometrio para recibir el embrión y conseguir la gestación. La importancia y necesidad de la progesterona en la preparación del endometrio es incuestionable. Aun así, en un primer estudio hemos encontrado que las mujeres con valores en sangre de progesterona inferiores a 10.6ng/mL el día antes de la transferencia de un embrión, presentaban más abortos (26.6% vs 9.5%) y menos nacidos vivos (47.5% vs 62.3%) respecto a aquellas con valores más elevados (Gaggiotti-Marre, 2019). Esta tendencia se mantenía tanto cuando preparábamos el endometrio con tratamiento médico hormonal como cuando seguíamos el ciclo natural de la paciente. Es decir, tanto si la progesterona la dábamos nosotros (administración vaginal cada 8 horas) como si la fabrica la mujer de forma natural (Gaggiotti-Marre, 2020).Y esto, por qué puede pasar? Descubrimos que ciertos factores eran determinantes de los valores de progesterona en sangre: edad, peso, un ciclo previo de tratamiento ya con valores bajos de progesterona, y el tiempo transcurrido desde la última administración del tratamiento (González-Foruria, 2020), con la cual cosa estos factores pueden ayudar a prever qué pacientes tiene un mayor riesgo de tener unos niveles bajos de progesterona y unos peores resultados reproductivos. Nos queda entonces encontrar una solución a este hallazgo que hace que las parejas tengan más abortos y menos nacidos vivos. Diseñamos un estudio prospectivo por el cual las mujeres con valores bajos de progesterona el día antes de transferir un embrión recibían una dosis diaria de progesterona con formulación subcutánea de reciente aparición en el mercado. De las 453 pacientes incluidas en el estudio, un 37.7% presentaban valores bajos de progesterona. De las que recibieron el tratamiento adicional, el 98.2% llegaron a valores óptimos, obteniendo los mismos resultados reproductivos (nacidos vivos y abortos) que aquellas pacientes que inicialmente ya presentaban unos valores elevados (Álvarez, 2021). En conclusión, la detección de valores de progesterona en sangre inferiores a 10.6ng/mL el día antes de la transferencia de embriones congelados se relaciones con menores tasas de nacidos vivos y más abortos, pero es un hallazgos corregible si se detecta con tiempo. Esto nos permite ofrecer un tratamiento individualizado y así continual el camino hacia una medicina personalizada y no un tratamiento ‘one size fits all’.
Although its origin is not clear, I like to think that the etymology of the hormone progesterone comes from it being the hormone pro gestare, which favors the gestation. We know that this hormone is secreted in great quantities after ovulation, and specially in case of a pregnancy. Also, it is responsible for preparing the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) to receive an embryo and accomplish a viable pregnancy. When we perform an assisted reproduction treatment, specifically an in vitro fertilization and we don’t achieve a pregnancy on the first trial, or for other medical reasons, we may have frozen embryos that we can transfer. In these cases, we need to decide how to prepare the endometrium to receive these embryos and achieve a pregnancy. The importance and need of progesterone for the endometrial preparation is unquestionable. Even though, on a first publication we found that women with serum progesterone levels below 10.6ng/mL the day prior to embryo transfer, presented higher miscarriage rates (26.6% vs 9.5%) and lower live birth rates (47.5% vs 62.3%) compared to those with higher values (Gaggiotti-Marre, 2019). This tendency was maintained both with medical preparation of the endometrium and without any treatment (natural cycle) (Gaggiotti-Marre, 2020).Y why does this happen? We found that certain factors were determinant of the serum progesterone levels: age, weight, a previous cycle with low serum progesterone, and the time from the last administered dose of progesterone (González-Foruria, 2020). This indicates that these factors can help detect those patients at a higher risk for low serum progesterone levels and detrimental reproductive outcomes. We need then to find a solution for this finding that makes that couples have more miscarriages and fewer living children. We designed a prospective study in which women with low serum progesterone levels on the day prior to frozen embryo transfer received an additional daily dose of subcutaneous progesterone. Of the 453 women included in the study, 37.7% had low serum progesterone levels. From those who received an additional dosage, 98.2% reached optimal levels, with similar reproductive outcomes to those with original optimal levels. (Álvarez, 2021). In conclusion, the detection of low serum progesterone levels, below 10.6ng/mL the day prior to frozen embryo transfer, is related to lower live birth rates and higher miscarriage rates, but this finding is correctable when detected in time. This allows us to offer an individualized treatment and continue working towards a personalized medicine in stead of a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Pediatria, Obstetrícia i Ginecologia
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Pereira, Braitner Matias. "Suplementação energética, vitamínica e mineral Canter OF®. em doadoras de embriões bovinos." Universidade Jose do Rosario Vellano, 2008. http://tede2.unifenas.br:8080/jspui/handle/jspui/116.
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A female bovine used as a donor in embryo transfer programs (ET) should produce structures with quality and quantity. The improvement of the efficiency of livestock production is a complex biological system involving interactions of hormonal, genetic, metabolic and nutritional factors. Nutrition and reproduction are closely linked in any production system. Canter OF is a nutritional supplement with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which could improve the performace of female cattle in superovulation programs. The purpose of this paper was to verify the effects of the of Canter OF adiminitration on the superovulatory response and embryo production in (ET) zebu cows. Forty-two superovulation protocols were carried out with , on 21 Guzerá breed female bovine doners, aged 20-60 months, weighing more than 350 kg, and having normal estrous cycles (21 ± 3 days). The animals were kept in semiconfinement and received the same diet during the trial period, consisting of grass and mineral supplementation ad libitum to maintain the body condition score of between 3 and 4 (scale of 1 to 5). All animals passed thorough both the group (Canter OF ) and the control group atleast once, in Cross-over design. The product was administrated daily (20 ml) to each donor individually during the trial period. The following variables: influence of the treatments on the ovarian response to the ovarian response to the superovulatory protocol (numberand average diameter of follicles on insemination day); number of corpora lutea present on flushing day; embryo recovery rate; total embryos; number of and degenerate embryos and nofertilized eggs, and recipient gestation rate. The results showed that no difference (P> 0.05) was found between the number of corpora lutea (10.20 ± 2.04 and 9.79 ± 1.73 to a), total embryos ( 7.64 ± 2.06 to 6.64 ± 1.71) and viable embryos (4.64 ± 1.24 and 4.68 ± 1.03 to a) and between the control group and the Canter OF group, respectively. When evaluation concerned only the cows with low superovulatory response and poor embryo production, the results with Canter OF treatment were different were different. In this group, Canter OF treatments were different. In this group, Canter OF treatment increased the superovulatory response, the number of embryos per flushing, and the number of viable embryos (P <0.05). It the animals with a history of good superovulatory response no statistically significant alteration was found. In conclusion, the product used in the present protocol was effective to increase the superovulatory response and embryo production only in a donor with a low embryo production.
O que se espera do tratamento superovulatorio de uma fêmea bovina utilizada como doadora em programas de transferência de embriões (TE) é que esta produza estruturas em quantidade e qualidade. A nutrição e reprodução são dois aspectos que possuem estreitas interrelações, em qualquer sistema de produção. O Canter OF® é um suplemento nutricional com vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos, cujos constituintes poderiam melhorar os resultados de fêmeas bovinas submetidas à superovulação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar os efeitos da administração do Canter OF® sobre a resposta superovulatória e a produção embrionária de doadoras zebuínas submetidas aos programas de TE. Foram realizados 42 protocolos de superovulação, em 21 fêmeas bovinas doadoras da raça Guzerá, com peso corporal superior a 350 Kg, idade entre 20 e 60 meses e que estavam ciclando em intervalos regulares (21±3 dias). Os animais foram manejados em regime de semiconfinamento e receberam a mesma alimentação durante todo o período experimental, composta de volumoso e suplementação mineral ad libitum, visando manutenção do escore de condição corporal entre 3 e 4 (escala de 1 a 5). Todos os animais utilizados passaram pelo menos uma vez pelo grupo tratado (Canter OF®) e pelo grupo controle num esquema de delineamento Cross-over . O produto foi administrado diariamente (20 ml) a cada animal, de forma individual por 30 dias antes da colheita dos embriões. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: influência dos tratamentos sobre a resposta ovariana ao protocolo superovulatório (número e diâmetro médio dos folículos no dia da inseminação), número de corpos lúteos presentes no dia da colheita de embriões, taxa de recuperação embrionária, total de estruturas produzidas, número de embriões viáveis ou degenerados e oócitos não fecundados e a taxa de gestação das receptoras. Os resultados mostraram que, quando são analisados todos os animais utilizados não se observaram diferenças (P>0,05) entre o total de corpos lúteos (10,20±2,04 e 9,79 ±1,73), total de embriões (7,64±2,06 e 6,64±1,71) e embriões viáveis (4,64±1,24 e 4,68±1,03) entre o grupo Controle e o Tratado com Canter OF®, respectivamente. Quando se avaliaram apenas as vacas com pequena resposta superovulatória e produção embrionária ruim, os resultados do tratamento com Canter OF® são diferentes. Para estes animais, algumas das variáveis estudadas foram superiores no grupo tratado com Canter OF®. Neste grupo, o tratamento com Canter OF® aumentou a resposta superovulatória, o total de embriões por coleta e o número de embriões viáveis (P<0,05). E os animais com histórico de resposta superovulatória boa não apresentaram nenhuma alteração estatisticamente significativa. Conclui-se que o produto, no protocolo utilizado foi eficiente em estimular maior número de ovulações, e produção de embriões, somente em doadoras com produção embrionária baixa.
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Sharma, Vinay. "Endocrine and non-endocrine factors affecting the outcome of assisted conception." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.244126.
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Alonso, Maria Augusta [UNESP]. "Efeito das características uterinas e dia do ciclo na taxa de prenhez e níveis séricos de progesterona em éguas candidatas à receptora de embrião." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/98250.
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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-12-11Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:07:44Z : No. of bitstreams: 1alonso_ma_me_botfmvz.pdf: 646083 bytes, checksum: cd0a270ab9839fdf6c856789eacab1c4 (MD5)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
A técnica de transferência de embrião (TE) foi desenvolvida nos anos 70, e vem sendo cada vez mais difundida. A eficiência de um programa de TE será determinada pelos índices de recuperação embrionária e taxa de prenhez. A receptora de embrião consiste no ponto crítico do programa de TE, e a correta seleção deste elo (fundamental) da cadeia é imprescindível para o sucesso da técnica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do dia do ciclo da receptora sobre as taxas de prenhez pós transferência de embrião; o efeito do tônus e morfoecogenicidade uterina nas taxas de prenhez de receptoras de embrião; relacionar a concentração plasmática de progesterona em éguas candidatas à receptora de embrião classificadas como marginais e aceitáveis e relacionar as concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona em éguas candidatas à receptora de embrião apresentando diferentes tônus e morfoecogenicidade uterina. Éguas receptoras entre os dias 3 a 8 pós ovulação foram utilizadas. A morfoecogenicidade e tônus uterino no dia da TE foram avaliados. O diagnóstico de prenhez foi realizado no dia 15 do embrião. Utilizou-se o Qui-Quadrado para análise das taxas de prenhez nos dias do ciclo, assim como para as taxas de prenhez e características uterinas. Para avaliação do efeito da concentração de progesterona sobre a classificação foi utilizada ANOVA. A comparação das concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona com as características uterinas foi feita utilizando-se o teste t. As taxas de prenhez não foram afetadas pelo dia do ciclo da receptora. As éguas apresentando morfoecogenicidade 1 e 2 tiveram maiores taxas de prenhez do que as éguas com morfoecogenicidade 3, diferindo estatisticamente (p<0,05). As éguas com morfoecogenicidade uterina 4 apresentaram índices de prenhez inferiores estatisticamente aos 3 outros padrões.
Embryo transfer (ET) technique was developed in the seventies and nowadays it is spreading consistently. The efficiency on an ET programme is determined by recovery rate and pregnancy rate. The recipient mare is the most important factor in the ET programme, with special emphasis on its selection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the recipient’s day of cycle on pregnancy rate after transfer, the effect of uterine tone and morphoecogenicity in pregnancy rates, relate plasmatic progesterone concentration in candidate recipient mares that were qualified as acceptable or marginal, and to relate plasmatic progesterone concentration to different uterine tone and morphoecogenicity in candidate recipient mares. Recipient mares were used between day 3 and 8 post ovulation. Morphoecogenicity and uterine tone were evaluated on ET day. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed on day 15 of the embryo. Chi square test was used to analyze pregnancy rates on the different days of cycle, and to relate pregnancy rates and uterine characteristics. In order to evaluate progesterone concentration in recipients that were classified as marginal or acceptable, ANOVA was utilized. To compare progesterone concentration and uterine characteristics, t test was performed. Pregnancy rates were not influenced by recipient’s day of cycle on ET day. Mares presenting morphoecogenicities 1 and 2 had higher pregnancy rates than mares presenting morphoecogenicity 3, being statistically different (p<0,05). Mares presenting morphoecogenicity 4 had the lowest pregnancy rate, compared to the others. Uterine tone affected pregnancy rate. Mares with uterine tone 1 had higher pregnancy rates than uterine tone 2 and 3. Mares presenting uterine tone 2 had lower pregnancy rate than uterine tone 1, but higher than uterine tone 3 (p<0,05). Average plasmatic progesterone concentration on day 8 post xvi ovulation was higher than on day 4 post ovulation, with p<0,0002.
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Martins, Claudiney de Melo. "Diferentes protocolos de superovulação com inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em Bos taurus e Bos indicus." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10131/tde-28092007-114939/.
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Esse estudo está apresentado em Capítulo 1 (Protocolo de Superovulação com IATF em Bos taurus) e Capítulo 2 [Protocolos de superovulação com IATF em Bos indicus, com 3 experimentos; 1- Momento da administração de LH em vacas Nelore (Bos indicus) superovuladas e inseminadas em tempo fixo; 2- Efeito da administração de progesterona injetável no início do protocolo de sincronização para superovulação com IATF em vacas Nelore; 3- Efeito do número de inseminações em vacas Nelore superovuladas e inseminadas em tempo fixo]. No Capítulo 1 objetivou-se avaliar o momento da retirada do dispositivo de P4 (DIB®) e da administração de LH em vacas Holandesas. Dezesseis vacas receberam DIB (D-1) e 2mg de BE (D0). Superovulou-se com 200mg de FSHp em 8 doses decrescentes a partir do D4. No D6, administrou-se PGF e estabeleceram-se quatro grupos: P24LH48 (retirada do DIB 24h e LH 48h pós PGF); P24LH60 (retirada 24h e LH 60h); P36LH48 (retirada 36h e LH 48h) e P36LH60 (retirada 36h e LH 60h; fatorial 2x2; cross-over). Realizou-se a IATF 12 e 24h pós LH. Os efeitos principais para P24vsP36 e LH48vsLH60 foram: taxa de ovulação (TO; 49,9 ± 5,7 vs 60,9± 4,8% e 53,1±5,3 vs 57,5±5,4%; P>0,05), estruturas totais (ETot; 4,4±0,9 vs 5,0±0,9 e 3,8±0,7 vs 5,7±1,0; P>0,05), embriões transferíveis (ET; 3,0±0,7 vs 4,1±0,9 e 2,3±0,5a vs 4,9±0,9b; P<0,05) e embriões congeláveis (EC; 2,9±0,7 vs 3,8±0,8 e 2,1±0,5a vs 4,7±0,9b; P<0,05). O LH 60h pós PGF aumentou o número de ET e EC em Holandesas. No Capítulo 2, estudaram-se diferentes protocolos de superovulação com IATF em Nelore. No Experimento 1, vinte vacas foram superovuladas (P24) e tratadas com LH 48h (G-LH48) ou 60h (G-LH60) pós PGF (cross-over). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para: número de folículos >8mm no LH (FolLH; 12,5±1,5 vs 9,4±1,0) e TO (71,0±4,2 vs 64,6±4,0%). No entanto, verificou-se diferença (P<0,05) para: intervalo primeira/última ovulação (IntOV; 15,0±2,1a vs 21,0±1,7bh), ETot (7,5±1,0a vs 5,1±0,5b), ET (6,2±1,0a vs 3,1±0,5b) e EC (5,9±0,9a vs 2,5±0,5b). O LH 48h pós PGF apresentou maior eficiência em Nelore. No Experimento 2, dez vacas receberam o protocolo P36LH48 e foram divididas em dois grupos no D0: Grupo BE (2mg) + P4 (50mg; G-BE+P4) ou Grupo BE (2mg; G-BE; cross-over). Os resultados para o G-BE+P4 e G-BE foram: emergência da onda folicular (EM; 3,6±0,2 e 4,0±0,1 d; P>0,05), variação da EM (2,5 a 4,5 vs 3,5 a 4,5d; P=0,06), FolLH (16,2±1,4 vs 18,5±1,1; P>0,05), IntOV (32,4±1,8 vs 33,6±1,6h; P>0,05), ETot (7,7±0,8 vs 9,2±1,2; P>0,05), ET (6,2±0.6 vs 7,2±1,1; P>0,05), EC (5,1±0,7 vs 6,3±1,0; P>0,05) e ED (0,6±0,2 vs 0,8±0,2; P>0,05). Não houve efeito da P4 i.m no D0. No Experimento 3, dez vacas foram divididas em: G-1IATF (16h pós LH) e G-2IATF (12 e 24h pós LH; cross-over). Os efeitos dos tratamentos G-1IATF e G-2IATF foram: FolLH (16,2±1,4 vs 14,8±1,2; P>0,05), ETot (8,2±0,9 vs 7,2±0,8; P>0,05), ET (4,3±0,7 vs 4,2±0,6; P>0,05), EC (2,9±0,6 vs 2,8±0,4; P>0,05) e estruturas não fertilizadas (0,6±0,2 vs 0,8±0,2; P>0,05). Não houve diferença na produção de embriões quando do emprego de uma ou duas IATFs.
This study is presented in Chapter 1 (Superovulations protocols with FTAI for Bos taurus) and Chapter 2 (Superovulation protocols with FTAI for Bos indicus), in this Chapter are included three experiments [1 - Moment of the application of LH in cows Nelore (Bos indicus); 2 - Effect of the injectable progesterone administration in the day 0 in Nelore cows; 3 - Effect of the number of inseminations in superstimulated and fixed-time inseminated Nelore cows]. On Chapter 1, it went to evaluate the time of intravaginal P4 device (DIBTM) withdrawal and the application of LH in Holstein cows superstimulated with FTAI. Sixteen cows, treated with DIB (D-1) and 2mg of EB (D0) were assigned in four groups (superstimulation with 200mg of FSHp in 8 decreasing doses starting on D4). On D6, PGF was administered and the cows were accomplished in four groups: P24LH48; P24LH60; P36LH48 and P36LH60 (cross-over). The FTAIs were performed 12 and 24h after LH. The main effects for treatments P24 vs P36 and LH48vsLH60 were: ovulation rate (OR; 49.9±5.7 vs 60.9±4.8% and 53.1±5.3 vs 57.5±5.4%; P>0.05), total of structures (TS; 4.4±0.9 vs 5.0±0.9 and 3.8±0.7 vs 5.7±1.0; P>0.05), transferable embryos (TE; 3.0±0.7 vs 4.1±0.9 and 2.3±0.5a vs 4.9±0.9b; P<0.05) and suitable to freezing embryos (FE; 2.9±0.7 vs 3.8±0.8 and 2.1±0.5a vs 4.7±0.9b; P<0.05). The LH 60h after prostaglandin increased the TE and FE in Holstein cows. In the Chapter 2, it was studied different superstimulation with FTAI protocols in Nelore. In the first Experiment cows (n=20) were superovulated and treated with LH 48h (G-LH48) or 60h (G-LH60) after prostaglandin. There were no significant (P>0.05) differences in the variables between LH48 and LH60: number of follicles >8mm at the time of LH (FolLH12.5±1.5 and 9.4±1.0), OR [169/249 (71.0±4.2 %) and 120/187 (64.6±4.0%)]. However, there were differences (P<0.05) between G-LH48 and G-LH60 in the variables: interval first/last ovulation (IntOV15.0±2.1a and 21.0±1.7b), TS (7.5±1.0a and 5.1±0.5b), TE (6.2±1.0a and 3.1±0.5b), and FE (5.9±0.9a and 2.5±0.5b). The LH 48h after prostaglandin was more efficient in Nelore cows. In second experiment, ten Nelore cows were divided in two groups (D0): EB plus injectable progesterone group (G-BE+P4); or EB group (G-BE). The results for G-BE+P4 and G-BE were: follicular wave emergency in days (FE; 3.6±0.2 and 4.0±0.1; P>0.05), variation in FE [(2.5 to 4.5) and (3.5 to 4.5)], IntOV (32.4±1.8 and 33.6±1.6; P>0.05), TS (7.7±0.8 and 9.2±1.2; P>0.05), degenerated embryos (0.6±0.2 and 0.8±0.2; P>0.05), TE (6.2±0.6 e 7.2±1.1; P>0.05), and FE (5.1±0.7 and 6.3±1.0; P>0.05). The third Experiment, ten Nelore cows were divided in two groups: G-1IATF (16h after LH) or G-2IATF (12 and 24h after LH). The results for G-1IATF and G-2IATF were: FolLH (16.2±1.4 and 14.8±1.2; P>0.05), TS (8.2±0.9 and 7.2±0.8; P>0.05), TE (4.3±0.7 and 4.2±0.6; P>0.05), FE (2.9±0.6 and 2.8±0.4; P>0.05) and unfertilized structures (0.6±0.2 and 0.8±0.2; P>0.05). There was no difference on embryo production when the cows were inseminated one (16h) or two (12 and 24h) inseminations.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Arnold, Daniel Robert. "Regulation of trophoblast development in the bovine embryo." Thèse, [Montréal] : Université de Montréal, 2005. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=0&did=1221731981&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=6&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1191513626&clientId=48948.
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Thèse (Ph. D.)--Université de Montréal, 2006.
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 4 oct. 2007). "Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) en sciences vétérinaires option reproduction" Paraît aussi en version papier et en version microforme.
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RABELO, Marcelo Cavalcanti. "Perda do concepto de éguas da raça Mangalarga marchador em diferentes status reprodutivos após a inseminação artificial e transferência de embriões." Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, 2009. http://www.tede2.ufrpe.br:8080/tede2/handle/tede2/5748.
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Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-18T15:22:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1Marcelo Cavalcanti Rabelo.pdf: 277173 bytes, checksum: 5276a72e240ec3a42ed27b422a515762 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-09
Two studies were performed to evaluate in Mangalarga Marchador mares, the factors that influence the concepts loss after artificial insemination (AI), considering the group age, the reproductive status and the gestational period and the rates of pregnancy and embryonic loss of mares in different reproductive condition used as recipients in programs for embryo transfer (ET). In the first study, was performed between the years 2003 and 2006 were monitored the pregnancies of 320 mares, including nulliparous female (n = 52), not lactating pluriparous (n = 112) and pluriparous in lactation (n = 156) aged between 4 and 16 years. The diagnosis of pregnancy by ultrasound was conducted by the 15th day after ovulation, repeating the tests on the 20th, 30th and 45th day of pregnancy. The total of conceptus loss was 9.06% (29/320). Concerning the age group, losses of 8.06% (5/62), 6.58% (10/152) and 13.21% (14/106) for females under the age of 5, 5 to 10 years and 11 to 16 years respectively showed no significant differences (P > 0.05). Concerning the reproductive status, loss of 5.77% (3/52), 9.82% (11/112) and 9.61% (15/156) for females nulliparous, pluriparous non lactants and pluriparous in lactation, respectively, also showed no significant differences (P > 0.05). Considering the gestational period, the concept loss was more significant (P < 0.05) in the period from 15 to 20 days of gestation. Were not observed significant differences (P > 0.05)between the pregnancy rates loss of the mares inseminated in the foal heat 8.97% (7/78) and those inseminated in subsequent estrus 10.25% (8/78). Based on data from this study were unable to conclude that the reproductive status and age group did not influence the rates of theconcept loss, but, in the period between 2nd and 3rd week of gestation, the mares are more susceptible to these losses. In the second study, between the years 2004 and 2005 have been used pluriparous 10 mares as donors of embryos and recipients, 21 nulliparous females, 20 pluriparous in lactation and 20 not lactating pluriparous. On The 8th day after ovulation were performed the embryos recovered of the donors and immediate transfer to the recipients. The diagnosis of pregnancy by ultrasound was conducted by the 7th day after the ET, repeating the tests on days 20, 25 and 30 of pregnancy. The total pregnancy diagnosed in the 7th day afterET and embryo loss in the 30th day of gestation was 67.21% (41/61) and 39.02% (16/41), respectively. With regard to the reproductive status, the rates of pregnancy and embryonic loss, did not show significant differences (P > 0.05). As for the age group, females with more than 11 years showed lower pregnancy rate (P < 0.05) than on the groups between 6 and 8 years and between 9 and 11 years old and embryo loss had significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those in the lower range. With regard to gestational periods in which the embryonic losses occurred were not found significant differences (P > 0.05). Data obtained in this study suggests that Mangalarga Marchador mares regardless of reproductive status can be used successfully as recipients in programs for ET, but, is not recommended that females aged over 11 years are used for this function.
Foram realizados dois estudos para avaliar em éguas da raça Mangalarga Marchador, os fatores que influenciam a perda do concepto após a inseminação artificial (IA), considerando a faixa etária, o status reprodutivo e o período de gestação, bem como, as taxas de prenhez e perda embrionária de éguas em diferentes status reprodutivos utilizadas como receptoras em programas de transferência de embriões (TE). No primeiro estudo, foram monitoradas 320 gestações entre os anos de 2003 e 2006 compreendendo fêmeas nulíparas (n = 52), pluríparas não lactantes (n = 112) e pluríparas lactantes (n = 156). Os animais possuíam idade entre 4 e 16 anos. O diagnóstico de gestação por ultra-sonografia foi realizado no 15o dia pós-ovulação, repetindo os exames no 20o, 30o e 45o dia de prenhez. O índice total de perda do concepto foi de 9,06% (29/320). Com relação à faixa etária, as perdas de 8,06% (5/62), 6,58% (10/152) e 13,21% (14/106) para fêmeas com menos de 5 anos, de 5 a 10 anos e de 11 a 16 anos, respectivamente, não evidenciaram diferenças significativas (P > 0,05). Quanto ao status reprodutivo, perdas de 5,77% (3/52), 9,82% (11/112) e 9,61% (15/156) para fêmeas nulíparas, pluríparas não lactantes e pluríparas lactantes, respectivamente, também não mostraram diferenças significativas (P > 0,05). No que se refere ao período gestacional, o índice de perda do concepto foi mais significativo (P < 0,05) no período de 15 a 20 dias de gestação. Não foi evidenciada diferença significativa (P > 0,05) entre os índices de perdas do concepto das éguas inseminadas no cio do potro 8,97% (7/78) e daqueles inseminadas no cio subseqüente 10,26% (8/78). Com base nos dados deste estudo foi possível concluir que o status reprodutivo e a faixa etária não influenciam as taxas de perdas do concepto, porém, noperíodo entre a 2ª e 3ª semana de gestação, as éguas estão mais susceptíveis a essas perdas. No segundo estudo, entre os anos de 2004 e 2005, foram utilizadas 10 éguas pluríparas como doadoras de embriões e como receptoras, 21 fêmeas nulíparas, 20 pluríparas lactantes e 20 pluríparas não lactantes. As colheitas embrionárias foram realizadas no 8o dia após a ovulação das doadoras e os embriões imediatamente transferidos para as receptoras. Os diagnósticos de gestação por ultra-sonografia foram realizados no 7o dia após as TE, repetindo os exames nosdias 20, 25 e 30 da gestação. O total de prenhez diagnosticada no 7o dia após a TE e de perda embrionária no 30o dia de gestação foram 67,21% (41/61) e 39,02% (16/41), respectivamente. Com relação ao status reprodutivo, as taxas de prenhez e de perda embrionária, não evidenciaram diferenças significativas (P > 0,05). Quanto à faixa etária, as fêmeas com mais de 11 anos exibiram taxa de prenhez menor (P < 0,05) do que às de faixas entre 6 e 8 anos e entre 9 e 11 anos e apresentaram perda embrionária significativamente maior (P < 0,05) do que as de faixa inferior. Com relação aos períodos gestacionais em que ocorreram a perdas embrionárias, não foram constatadas diferenças significativas (P > 0,05). Os dados obtidos neste estudo permitem concluir que éguas da raça Mangalarga Marchador independente do status reprodutivo podem ser utilizadas com êxito como receptoras em programas de TE, porém, não é recomendável, que fêmeas com idade acima de 11 anos sejam utilizadas para essa função.
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Ali, Safdar. "Cell cycle in early mouse embryos : implications for nuclear transfer." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/16955.
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The aim of the project was to optimize cell cycle co-ordination in murine embryos reconstructed by nuclear transfer. The project also involved studies of oocyte activation, cell cycle length and synchronization, evaluation of MPF, and DNA replication in early embryos. Embryos were successfully arrested at mitosis by culturing them up to 16 hours with 2.5 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine (DMAP). A comparative study of different concentrations of 6-DMAP and 10 μM nocodazole for holding the embryos at mitosis for 12 hours showed a greater effectiveness of nocodazole. In most of the experiments 25 mM strontium chloride was used as the method for the artificial activation of cytoplasts and reconstituted embryos. Later on, a new method for parthenogenetic activation of metaphase II oocytes or recipient cytoplasts was established. The effect of meiosis/mitosis/maturation promotion factor (MPF) on the development of embryos reconstructed at different times in relation to activation was investigated and its level was studied by looking at nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) and nuclear envelope breakdown and premature chromatin condensation. After determining the timing of G1 duration and S-phase initiation of 3rd and 4th cell cycle, nuclear transfer experiments were performed to investigate the effect of nuclear donor cell cycle stage and its interaction with recipient cell cycle stage. The studies confirm the importance of cell cycle co-ordination in the development of reconstructed embryos. By appropriate co-ordination of cell cycle stages it has been possible for the first time to obtain similar development with 4-cell blastomeres with donor cell nuclei at any stage of the cell cycle. Moreover, the use of strontium chloride + 6-DMAP activated cytoplasts with 4-cell donor nuclei from different cell cycle can produce embryos that will develop with a higher frequency to morula/blastocyst than strontium chloride alone.
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Purcell, Scott Hudson. "Effect Of A Cidr Insert And Flunixin Meglumine Administered At The Time Of Embryo Transfer On Pregnancy Rate And Resynchronization Of Estrus In Beef Cattle." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/9992.
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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of flunixin meglumine (FM), an inhibitor of PGF2a synthesis, administered at the time of embryo transfer (ET) and insertion of an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (CIDR) at the time of ET on pregnancy rates (PR) and the resynchronization of estrus. Beef cows (n = 796) and heifers (n = 108) at three locations were assigned randomly within age to one of four groups in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with injection of FM (500 mg i.m.; Phoenix Scientific, St. Joseph, MO) 2 to 12 min prior to ET and insertion of a CIDR (1.38 g progesterone; Pfizer, New York, NY) for 13 d immediately following ET as main effects. Fresh or frozen embryos (Stage = 4 or 5; Grade = 1 or 2) were randomly assigned to be transferred to recipients on d 6 to 9 of the estrous cycle. At Location 2 a subset of fresh embryos were split and transferred as fresh half embryos (n = 192). Recipients at Location 2 only (n = 493) were observed for signs of return to estrus beginning 9 d after ET. Recipients that returned to estrus at Location 2 were either bred by AI 12 h after estrus or received an embryo 7 d after estrus. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography. Pregnancy rates were analyzed using the LOGISTIC procedure of SAS. Pregnancy rates of split embryo recipients were analyzed separately using the same statistical procedure. Variation in the timing of the return to estrus was determined by an F-test for heterogeneity of variances. Following the initial ET, pregnancy rates of recipients receiving whole embryos were not affected by CIDR administration (P > 0.05; 65% with CIDR, 70% without CIDR), however, there was a significant FM x location interaction on PR (Location 1, 89 vs. 57%; Location 2, 69 vs. 64%; Location 3, 64 vs. 67% for FM vs. no FM, respectively). There was a significant CIDR x FM interaction on PR of recipients receiving split embryos. Pregnancy rates of split embryo recipients receiving CIDR treatment (54%) or FM treatment alone (41%) were less than controls (64%). However, recipients receiving both CIDR and FM had PR similar to controls (60%). The timing of the return to estrus was more synchronous (P < 0.01) for recipients fitted with a CIDR, but PR of recipients bred following a return to estrus did not differ in cows receiving or not receiving a CIDR (P > 0.13; 68 and 62%, respectively). Effects of FM on PR were location dependent and CIDR insertion at ET improved synchrony of the return to estrus.
Master of Science
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Mello, Marco Roberto Bourg de. ""Clonagem em bovinos: uso de fibroblastos fetal e adulto como fonte doadora de núcleo"." Universidade de São Paulo, 2003. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/10/10131/tde-29062005-161626/.
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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a viabilidade in vitro e in vivo de embriões bovinos reconstruídos com oócitos enucleados em Metáfase II e núcleos de células somáticas (fibroblastos) fetais e adultas. Para tanto, oócitos de ovários colhidos em matadouro foram maturados in vitro por 17 horas e enucleados pela remoção do primeiro corpúsculo polar (CP) e da região do oolema contendo a placa metafásica. Como núcleo doador, foram utilizados fibroblastos de orelha de vaca da raça Nelore e de feto colhido em abatedouro. Para a reconstrução dos embriões, cada célula doadora de núcleo, após indução à G0, foi inserida sob a zona pelúcida de cada oócito enucleado e o complexo citoplasma receptor - núcleo doador (CCN) fundido e ativado por eletrofusão (2 pulsos de 4 KV/cm durante 20µs). Após ativação elétrica, cada CCN foi incubado em solução de ciclohexemide (10µg/ml) e citocalasina D (2,5µg/ml) por 1 hora e, em seguida, em solução de ciclohexemide (10µg/ml) por mais 4 horas. Os embriões reconstruídos e ativados, assim como os fecundados in vitro (controle), foram co-cultivados em monocamada de células da granulosa e TCM 199 acrescido de 10% de SFB por 7-9 dias. Após o co-cultivo por 7-9 dias, parte dos embriões (controle e reconstruídos) foi fixada e corada para determinação do número de células e parte transferida para receptoras. Um total de 668 embriões foram reconstruídos com célula fetal e 569 com fibroblasto adulto. Após eletrofusão, 212 embriões reconstruídos com célula fetal e 181 com célula adulta fundiram e 32 (15,1%) e 30 (16,6%) atingiram o estádio de blastocisto, respectivamente. O número médio de células dos blastocistos foi 129,3, 101,3 e 114,3, respectivamente, para célula fetal, adulta e embriões FIV (controle), não havendo diferença estatística significante entre os grupos (P<0,05). Após a transferência de 18 blastocistos de célula fetal e 21 de célula adulta, as taxas de prenhez aos 90 dias foram 16,7% (3) e 19% (4), respectivamente, não havendo diferença estatística significante entre os grupos (P<0,05). A primeira prenhez com célula fetal deu origem a um bezerro saudável, aos 290 dias, pesando 34kg. Uma das receptoras morreu aos 229 dias de gestação em conseqüência de hidroalantóide e outra abortou aos 252 dias. As prenhezes de embriões reconstruídos com célula adulta ainda estão em andamento. Estes resultados indicam que fibroblastos fetal e adulto podem ser usados como doadores de núcleo com semelhantes taxas de desenvolvimento in vitro e in vivo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo viability of bovine nuclear transferred embryos from metaphase II oocytes and fetal and adult fibroblasts. Oocytes from ovaries collected at slaughterhouse were matured in vitro for 17 hours and enucleated after aspiration of first polar body (PB) and small volume of cytoplasm containing metaphase plate. Fibroblasts from Nelore cow and foetus collected at slaughterhouse were used as nuclei donor. In Nuclear Transfer, each nuclei donor cell, after serum starvation, was inserted under the zona pellucida of the each enucleated oocyte and the enucleated oocyte- nuclei donor cell complexes were electrofused and activated (2 pulses of 4KV/cm for 20µs). After electrical activation, the couplets were incubated in TCM199 plus 10% FCS supplemented with cycloheximide (10µg/ml) and cytochalasin D (2.5µgml) for 1 hour and cycloheximide alone for further 4 hours. The activated reconstructed embryos, as well as IVF embryos (control group), were co-cultured with granulosa cells in TCM 199 + 10% FCS for 79 days. After co-cultured, part of embryos (control and reconstructed) was fixed and the number of cells counted and part was transferred into recipients. A total of 668 couplets were reconstructed from fetal and 569 from adult fibroblasts. After electrofusion, 212 (fetal cells) and 181 (adult cells) embryos got fused and 32 (15.1%) and 30 (16.6%) reached blastocyst stage, respectively. The blastocyst cell number means were 129.3, 101.3 and 114.3, respectively, for fetal, adult and IVF (control) embryos. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) in the number of cells of blastocysts among the groups. After transferring 18 (fetal cells) and 21 (adult cells) blastocysts, pregnancy rates at day 90 were 16.7% (3) and 19% (4), respectively. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) between pregnancy rates. The first pregnancy from fetal cells delivered a healthy male calf at day 290, weighting 34kg. One of the remaining recipients died with hydrallantois at day 229 and the other aborted at day 252. The pregnancies of adult cells reconstructed embryos are still in course. These results indicated that fetal and adult fibroblasts could be used as nuclei donor, with similar rates of in vitro and in vivo developments.
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Jouneau, Jean-François. "Les hormones gonadotropes : contrôles, intérêts dans la mise en place d'un protocole de transfert embryonnaire chez les taureaux de combat." Bordeaux 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991BOR2P060.
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Ruane, John. "Evaluation of genetic improvement programmes using multiple ovulation and embryo transfer in dairy cattle." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/11336.
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Rodriguez-Osorio, Nelida. "MOLECULAR REPROGRAMMING IN BOVINE EMBRYOS AFTER SERIAL SOMATIC CELL CHROMATIN TRANSFER." MSSTATE, 2008. http://sun.library.msstate.edu/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-04022008-095409/.
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Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), commonly known as cloning, is the transfer of a somatic nucleus into an enucleated oocyte to produce a clone. The chromatin structure of somatic cells permits the expression of certain genes, while silencing the rest of the genome. The cytoplasm of oocytes can reprogram a somatic nucleus by reactivating the genes necessary for embryonic development and silencing the somatic genes. However, the low efficiency of SCNT indicates that successful nuclear reprogramming is a rare event. The objectives of this study were determine the extent of transcriptional reprogramming in bovine blastocysts produced by serial rounds of chromatin transfer (from first and fourth generations), using blastocysts produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) as controls, to identify cumulative errors in the transcriptome profile. Differentially expressed genes were studied further to determine their function in embryonic development. We identified a set of transcripts consistently misregulated in cloned blastocyst, some of which had a more marked misregulation in the embryos produced by 4 successive rounds of cloning. Among the genes significantly upregulated in both CT groups compared to IVF blastocysts were both de novo DNA methylation enzymes DNMT3A and DNMT3B. Expression patterns, structural and functional analyses were performed for DNA methyltransferases. A high structural and functional conservation was observed for DNA methyltransferases among human, mouse, and bovine species. A set of genes that participate in early embryonic development, chromatin remodeling and DNA methylation were differentially regulated in cloned embryos and had not been fully annotated at the time of the analysis. We annotated those genes and submitted them to the Bovine Genome Sequencing Consortium database. These results have important implications for the selection of models for the study of DNA methylation during early development. The present study provides a valuable data set for identifying possible cumulative errors in somatic cell chromatin transfer that could hinder nuclear reprogramming shedding light on the epigenetic role in reprogramming and cell plasticity.
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Alonso, Maria Augusta. "Efeito das características uterinas e dia do ciclo na taxa de prenhez e níveis séricos de progesterona em éguas candidatas à receptora de embrião /." Botucatu : [s.n.], 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/98250.
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Orientador: Marco Antonio Alvarenga
Banca: Cezinande de Meira
Banca: Rubens Paes de Arruda
Resumo: A técnica de transferência de embrião (TE) foi desenvolvida nos anos 70, e vem sendo cada vez mais difundida. A eficiência de um programa de TE será determinada pelos índices de recuperação embrionária e taxa de prenhez. A receptora de embrião consiste no ponto crítico do programa de TE, e a correta seleção deste elo (fundamental) da cadeia é imprescindível para o sucesso da técnica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do dia do ciclo da receptora sobre as taxas de prenhez pós transferência de embrião; o efeito do tônus e morfoecogenicidade uterina nas taxas de prenhez de receptoras de embrião; relacionar a concentração plasmática de progesterona em éguas candidatas à receptora de embrião classificadas como marginais e aceitáveis e relacionar as concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona em éguas candidatas à receptora de embrião apresentando diferentes tônus e morfoecogenicidade uterina. Éguas receptoras entre os dias 3 a 8 pós ovulação foram utilizadas. A morfoecogenicidade e tônus uterino no dia da TE foram avaliados. O diagnóstico de prenhez foi realizado no dia 15 do embrião. Utilizou-se o Qui-Quadrado para análise das taxas de prenhez nos dias do ciclo, assim como para as taxas de prenhez e características uterinas. Para avaliação do efeito da concentração de progesterona sobre a classificação foi utilizada ANOVA. A comparação das concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona com as características uterinas foi feita utilizando-se o teste t. As taxas de prenhez não foram afetadas pelo dia do ciclo da receptora. As éguas apresentando morfoecogenicidade 1 e 2 tiveram maiores taxas de prenhez do que as éguas com morfoecogenicidade 3, diferindo estatisticamente (p<0,05). As éguas com morfoecogenicidade uterina 4 apresentaram índices de prenhez inferiores estatisticamente aos 3 outros padrões.
Abstract: Embryo transfer (ET) technique was developed in the seventies and nowadays it is spreading consistently. The efficiency on an ET programme is determined by recovery rate and pregnancy rate. The recipient mare is the most important factor in the ET programme, with special emphasis on its selection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the recipient's day of cycle on pregnancy rate after transfer, the effect of uterine tone and morphoecogenicity in pregnancy rates, relate plasmatic progesterone concentration in candidate recipient mares that were qualified as acceptable or marginal, and to relate plasmatic progesterone concentration to different uterine tone and morphoecogenicity in candidate recipient mares. Recipient mares were used between day 3 and 8 post ovulation. Morphoecogenicity and uterine tone were evaluated on ET day. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed on day 15 of the embryo. Chi square test was used to analyze pregnancy rates on the different days of cycle, and to relate pregnancy rates and uterine characteristics. In order to evaluate progesterone concentration in recipients that were classified as marginal or acceptable, ANOVA was utilized. To compare progesterone concentration and uterine characteristics, t test was performed. Pregnancy rates were not influenced by recipient's day of cycle on ET day. Mares presenting morphoecogenicities 1 and 2 had higher pregnancy rates than mares presenting morphoecogenicity 3, being statistically different (p<0,05). Mares presenting morphoecogenicity 4 had the lowest pregnancy rate, compared to the others. Uterine tone affected pregnancy rate. Mares with uterine tone 1 had higher pregnancy rates than uterine tone 2 and 3. Mares presenting uterine tone 2 had lower pregnancy rate than uterine tone 1, but higher than uterine tone 3 (p<0,05). Average plasmatic progesterone concentration on day 8 post xvi ovulation was higher than on day 4 post ovulation, with p<0,0002.
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Yang, Tiffany Hou-Ting, and Tiffany Hou-Ting Yang. "The Use of Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET) to Reduce the Risks of Multiple Gestation." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/625256.
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a common method used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) to help patients achieve pregnancy. One of the risks of IVF is the possibility of multiple gestation, especially when more than one embryo is transferred per cycle. Multiple gestation can introduce several significant complications into the pregnancy and birth, which can range from short-term conditions to long-term disabilities. Elective single embryo transfer (eSET) is a way of reducing these risks by choosing to transfer only one embryo when multiple embryos are available for transfer. With eSET, the chances of multiple gestation and its associated complications are significantly lowered, increasing the chances of the patient having a healthy pregnancy. However, eSET appears to have low rates compared to other methods of transfer, despite its benefits. This thesis investigates the use of eSET in fertility clinics, in order to gain insight on the level of patient awareness on eSET, how fertility clinics provide eSET, and methods that can encourage patients to choose eSET. Physicians at fertility clinics will be interviewed, and the interviews will be used to analyze how to improve the rate of eSET and reduce the rate of multiple gestation in fertility treatments.
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Perecin, Felipe [UNESP]. "Epigenética do desenvolvimento em bovinos: DNA metiltransferases e genes imprinted em embriões, fetos e placentas." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/105948.
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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-02-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:46:32Z : No. of bitstreams: 1perecin_f_dr_jabo.pdf: 591625 bytes, checksum: f3212bddc59577b0aa73b9d7ef9f1d91 (MD5)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A clonagem por transferência de núcleo é freqüentemente associada a resultados insatisfatórios devido à reprogramação nuclear anormal da célula somática doadora de núcleo e à expressão gênica alterada. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a freqüência dos RNAs mensageiros das DNA metiltransferases (DNMT) 1, 3A e 3B, e do gene de expressão constitutiva gliceraldeído 3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH) em blastocistos bovinos isolados produzidos in vivo e in vitro por transferência nuclear (TN) de célula somática, ativação partenogenética e fertilização in vitro (FIV). O segundo objetivo foi avaliar a expressão das DNMTs e dos genes imprinted IGF2, IGF2R e H19 em membranas cório-alantóide e fetos bovinos produzidos in vivo e in vitro por TN, ativação partenogenética e FIV e recuperados entre os dias 33 e 36 de gestação. Houve decréscimo (P<0,05) na freqüência do GAPDH nos blastocistos TN e partenogenéticos quando comparados aos embriões fertilizados, e também diferença entre blastocistos TN produzidos com diferentes protocolos de sincronização celular (células em G0 ou G1 do ciclo celular). Com relação às DNMTs, não foram identificados transcritos da DNMT1 nos blastocistos do grupo TN-G0; ocorreu diminuição na freqüência dos transcritos da DNMT3B nos embriões TN quando comparados aos partenotos. Não se observou diferença na freqüência relativa das DNA metiltransferases em membranas cório-alantóide e fetos. Com relação aos genes imprinted, o grupo partenogenético apresentou menor nível de expressão de IGF2 em relação aos os demais grupos; baixos níveis de expressão de IGF2 e IGF2R foram observados, respectivamente, em amostras de feto e de cório-alantóide derivadas de animais clonados por TN, quando comparadas aos grupos fertilizados in vivo e in vitro.
Cloning by nuclear transfer is often associated with poor results due to abnormal nuclear reprogramming of somatic cell donor and altered gene expression. The first objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of DNA methyltranferases (DNMT) 1, 3A and 3B, and the housekeeping glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNAs in single bovine blastocysts produced in vivo or in vitro by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), parthenogenetic activation and in vitro fertilization (IVF). The second objective was to evaluate the expression of DNMTs and imprinted genes IGF2, IGF2R and H19 in chorio-alantois membrane of bovine fetuses produced in vivo or in vitro by SCNT, parthenogenetic activation and IVF, and recovered between days 33 and 36 of gestation. There was strong GAPDH downregulation (P<0.05) in parthenogenetic and cloned by SCNT blastocysts when compared to fertilized ones, and also differences between cloned blastocysts produced with different cell synchronization (G0 or G1) protocol. Regarding DNMTs expression, we did not identify DNMT1 transcrips in SCNT-G0 derived blastocysts, and observed DNMT3B downregulation in SCNT-derived embryos when compared to parthenotes. No differences in DNA methyltransferase relative frequency were seen in chorio-alantois membrane and fetuses. Regarding imprinted genes expression, downregulation of IGF2 in the parthenogenetic group was observed in comparision to all other groups, and also, downregulation of IGF2 and IGF2R in the cloned-derived fetuses and chorio-alantois samples, respectively, were observed comparing to in vivo and in vitro fertilized groups.
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Salumets, Andres. "Effects of embryological parameters on the success of fresh and frozen embryo transfers." Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2003. http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/mat/bioti/vk/salumets/.
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Aherin, Dustin Grant. "Systems approach to economic risk analysis of Bos taurus beef embryo transfer programs through stochastic simulation." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/35450.
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Master of Science
Department of Animal Sciences and Industry
Robert L. Weaber
The dynamic environments, varying production practices, and general biological uncertainty associated with bovine reproduction makes informed, strategic decision making regarding the implementation of bovine reproductive technology a great challenge for producers. One might also argue that traditionally, ET’s primary focus of genetic improvement has greatly overshadowed any consideration of short to mid-term financial gain.To accomplish the objective of creating an economic risk analysis tool for user-defined embryo transfer (ET) programs, a circumstantial, stochastic prediction model utilizing @Risk© software to generate comparable economic values as an aid in the ET decision making process has been created. More realistic than the use of means in deterministic models, distributions defining the biological uncertainty for a multitude of reproductive outcomes are estimated through extensive literature review and limited industry sources. Applying the Latin Hypercube variation of Monte Carlo simulation, a sample value from the descriptive distribution associated with each stochastic variable is included in an iteration of the simulation. Through large numbers of iterations with dynamic combinations of variables, the process culminates in a distribution of possible values for the net present value (NPV), annuity equivalent net present value (ANPV), and return on investment (ROI) associated with the model described scenario of in-vivo derived (IVD) or in-vitro produced (IVP). Finally, using the distributions of NPV, ANPV, and ROI a decision maker can assess the economic risk linked to a user-defined ET program.To further complicate matters, cattle producers are now presented with a choice between two primary methods of ET. IVD ET describes the traditional method of ET that involves follicular stimulation and insemination of a donor female followed by the collection of fertilized embryos from the uterus. IVP commonly refers to the method of generating transferable embryos by collecting oocytes by ovarian aspiration; in-vitro fertilization of the collected oocytes; and incubated maturation of the fertilized oocytes. Encompassed within the two methods of ET exist several different sub-techniques, principally regarding the exception or inclusion of follicular synchronization and/or stimulation before ovum pick-up (OPU) in IVP procedures. Ultimately, operators must decide whether ET programs, of any type, serve as an economically viable means to increase rate of genetic improvement or take advantage of marketing opportunities. Although several economic value predictors for ET programs already exist (Beltrame et al. 2010), the opportunity remains to create more applicable models for Bos taurus beef production and varying marketing avenues in the U.S. This circumstantial, stochastic simulation model can serve as an aid in the ET decision making process by generating output that allows for the financial risk and sensitivity analysis of a user-defined ET program.
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Demétrio, Daniela Garcia Borges [UNESP]. "Fatores que afetam a taxa de concepção após inseminação artificial ou transferência de embriões em vacas holandesas em lactação." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/98258.
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Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os fatores que afetam as taxas de concepção (TC) de vacas Holandesas em lactação que receberam IA ou TE. O experimento foi conduzido em uma fazenda localizada em Descalvado, SP, Brasil durante os meses de outubro de 2003 a setembro de 2004. As vacas eram ordenhadas 3 vezes ao dia e alimentadas com ração total devidamente balanceada. Vacas ciclando (n=1025) produzindo 33,37,2kg de leite por dia com 162103,7 de DEL receberam PGF2 e foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: IA ou TE. As vacas que apresentaram estro 48 a 96h após aplicação de PGF2 receberam IA (n=227) 12h após detecção do estro ou TE (n=160) 6 a 8 dias após. Todas as vacas da TE receberam embriões frescos (grau I ou II) de vacas Holandesas não lactantes produzidos in vivo. Analisou-se a produção de leite média de -7 a 14 dias após o cio. A temperatura corporal foi aferida e amostras de sangue foram coletadas para análise da concentração sérica de P4 por radioimunoensaio. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado aos 25 e 39 dias por ultra-sonografia. Morte embrionária tardia (MET) foi considerada quando as vacas gestantes no dia 25 estavam vazias no dia 39. As variáveis taxa de ovulação, TC e MET foram analisadas pelo modelo logístico (GLM) com finalidade de verificar a influência das covariáveis na probabilidade de sucesso. Os modelos foram ajustados no software R. A taxa de ovulação foi de 84,8% (328/387) e foi afetada negativamente pelo número de dias em lactação (p=0,05). Não houve diferenças nas TC do grupo TE em relação à qualidade e estágio do embrião, e assincronia entre doadora e receptora. TC no dia 25, das vacas ovuladas foi 37,9% (74/195) para IA e 59,4% (79/133) para TE (p<0,01). Temperatura corporal no dia 7 (T7) influenciou negativamente (p=0,02) a TC nos dois tratamentos. Para avaliação da P4, foram consideradas...
Objectives of this study were to evaluate factors that could affect conception rates (CR) of AI or ET in lactating Holstein cows. The trial was conducted at a dairy farm in Descalvado, SP, Brazil from October 2003 to September 2004. Cows were milked 3 times a day and fed with TMR composed by corn silage balanced to meet nutritional requirements for lactating dairy cows. Cycling cows (n=1025) producing 33.37.2 kg milk/d with 162.0103.7 DIM received PGF2 injection and were randomly assigned to received AI or ET. Cows detected in heat between 48 and 96 h after PGF2 injection (n=387) received AI (n=227) 12 h after heat detection or ET (n=160) 6 to 8 days later. All cows from ET received in vivo produced fresh embryos (grade I or II) from non lactating Holstein cows. Milk yield for each cow was recorded -7 to 14 d after estrus. Body temperature was recorded and blood samples were collected on days 7 and 14 to analyze serum P4 concentration by radioimmunoassay. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by ultrasound on day 25 and 39. Embryonic loss (EL) was considered when cows pregnant on day 25 were not on day 39. The variables ovulation rate, conception rate and embryonic loss were analyzed by logistic model (GLM), to evaluate the influence of covariates on probability of success. The models were adjusted in the public software R. Ovulation rate was 84.8% (328/387) and was only negatively affected (p=0.05) by days in milk. There were no differences in probability of CR when stage and grade of embryo and donor-recipient synchrony were analyzed. CR at day 25 of ovulated cows was 37.9% (74/195) for AI and 59.4% (79/133) for ET (p<0.01). Body temperature at day 7 affected negatively (p=0.02) CR in both treatments. To evaluate P4, only cows with synchrony zero (n=191) were used from both groups and 49.2% (94/191) were pregnant on day 25, 37.5% (39/104) on AI group and 63.2% (55/87; p<0.01)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Martins, Anice Maria Vieira de Camargo [UNESP]. "O aumento nas taxas de implantação embrionária e de gestação obtidas com a colocação da ponta do cateter de transferência embrionária, na área central da cavidade endometrial." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/104175.
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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-08-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:26:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1martins_amvc_dr_botfm_prot.pdf: 1428441 bytes, checksum: e687eeb3da2bd5d051917dea14402c3d (MD5)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Médico e Hospitalar (Famesp)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a importância do local de transferência embrionária (metade superior ou inferior da cavidade endometrial) nas taxas de implantação e gestação. Metodologia: Foram randomizadas 400 transferências embrionárias, guiadas por ultra-sonografia em dois grupos, de acordo com a distância entre a camada de basal de endométrio fúndico e a ponta do cateter de transferência, no ato do procedimento. O Grupo 1 (n200) correspondeu às transferências sendo realizadas a uma distância <50% do comprimento da cavidade endometrial, isto é, na metade superior da cavidade. O Grupo II (n=200) correspondeu às transferências realizadas a uma distância 50% do comprimento da cavidade endometrial, isto é, na metade inferior da cavidade. Os dados foram avaliados pelos testes t de Student, Mann-Whitney e exato de Fisher. Resultados: As características gerais da população estudada e das transferências tiveram distribuição igualitária (p>0,05) entre Grupos l e II. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos com relação às taxas de implantação embrionária (Grupo 1: 16,0%; Grupo II: 16,4% p=0,86) e gestação (Grupo 1: 35,0%; Grupo II: 29,5% p=0,28). Conclusão: As taxas de implantação e gestação são similares, quando os embriões são colocados na metade superior ou inferior da cavidade endometrial.
The objective of the present study was to determine the importance of the site of embryo transfer (upper or lower haif endometrial cavity) on implantation and clinical pregnancy rates. Methods: A total of 400 transfers guided by ultrasound were randomly assigned to two groups according to the distance between the basal layer of fundal endometrium and the catheter tip at the time of embryo placement. Group 1 (n=200) consísted of transfers corresponding to a distance of <50% of the endometrial cavity length, i.e. transfer in upper haif of the cavity; and group li (n=200) consisted of transfers corresponding to a distance of 50% of the endometrial cavity Iength, ie. transfer in lower haif of cavity. The Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test and Fishers exact test were used where appropriate. Results: The general characteristics of the study population and the main transfer cycle characteristics had an equal distribution (p>0.05) between groups 1 and II. No significant difference in implantation (Group 1: 16.0%; Group II: 16.4% p=0.86) or pregnancy rates (Group 1: 35.0%; Group II: 29.5% p=0.28) was observed between groups 1 and II. Conclusion: The implantation or pregnancy rates were similar whether the embryos were deposited in the upper or lower half of the endometrial cavity.
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Martins, Anice Maria Vieira de Camargo. "O aumento nas taxas de implantação embrionária e de gestação obtidas com a colocação da ponta do cateter de transferência embrionária, na área central da cavidade endometrial /." Botucatu : [s.n.], 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/104175.
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Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a importância do local de transferência embrionária (metade superior ou inferior da cavidade endometrial) nas taxas de implantação e gestação. Metodologia: Foram randomizadas 400 transferências embrionárias, guiadas por ultra-sonografia em dois grupos, de acordo com a distância entre a camada de basal de endométrio fúndico e a ponta do cateter de transferência, no ato do procedimento. O Grupo 1 (n200) correspondeu às transferências sendo realizadas a uma distância <50% do comprimento da cavidade endometrial, isto é, na metade superior da cavidade. O Grupo II (n=200) correspondeu às transferências realizadas a uma distância 50% do comprimento da cavidade endometrial, isto é, na metade inferior da cavidade. Os dados foram avaliados pelos testes t de Student, Mann-Whitney e exato de Fisher. Resultados: As características gerais da população estudada e das transferências tiveram distribuição igualitária (p>0,05) entre Grupos l e II. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos com relação às taxas de implantação embrionária (Grupo 1: 16,0%; Grupo II: 16,4% p=0,86) e gestação (Grupo 1: 35,0%; Grupo II: 29,5% p=0,28). Conclusão: As taxas de implantação e gestação são similares, quando os embriões são colocados na metade superior ou inferior da cavidade endometrial.
Abstract: The objective of the present study was to determine the importance of the site of embryo transfer (upper or lower haif endometrial cavity) on implantation and clinical pregnancy rates. Methods: A total of 400 transfers guided by ultrasound were randomly assigned to two groups according to the distance between the basal layer of fundal endometrium and the catheter tip at the time of embryo placement. Group 1 (n=200) consísted of transfers corresponding to a distance of <50% of the endometrial cavity length, i.e. transfer in upper haif of the cavity; and group li (n=200) consisted of transfers corresponding to a distance of 50% of the endometrial cavity Iength, ie. transfer in lower haif of cavity. The Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test and Fishers exact test were used where appropriate. Results: The general characteristics of the study population and the main transfer cycle characteristics had an equal distribution (p>0.05) between groups 1 and II. No significant difference in implantation (Group 1: 16.0%; Group II: 16.4% p=0.86) or pregnancy rates (Group 1: 35.0%; Group II: 29.5% p=0.28) was observed between groups 1 and II. Conclusion: The implantation or pregnancy rates were similar whether the embryos were deposited in the upper or lower half of the endometrial cavity.
Orientador: José Gonçalves Franco Júnior
Coorientador: Anaglória Pontes
Banca: Marilza Vieira Cunha Rudge
Banca: Eliana Milanesi Rubio
Banca: João Batista Alcântara Oliveira
Banca: Mário Cavagna
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Underhill, Katharine Lynne. "Transfer and cytogenetic analysis of day 4 embryos in PMSGhCG treated prepuberal gilts." Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=66237.
Full textAPA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Martin,LisaM. "Morphologic and histologic comparisons between in vivo and nuclear transfer derived porcine embryos." Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10355/4623.
Full textAbstract:
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006.
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Title from title screen of research.pdf file viewed on (February 9, 2007) Includes bibliographical references.
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